View Full Version : Think I may have swallowed glass

06-07-16, 10:56
Can some one help me with this please I'm panicking :(
So a glass shelf above my oven fell and smashed in to thousand pieces this morning, and after cleaning up the mess I realised I was crunching glass in between my teeth,I ofcourse immediately rinsed my mouth out several times.. But then felt a tiny piece again I managed to find a glitter sized piece in my mouth and definitely confirmed it was glass,now I'm worried sick that I have swallowed some and what may happen, anyone experienced this? Will it do me harm now having a major anxiety attack..
Thank you all In advanced..

06-07-16, 12:36
Nothing at all will happen. N.o.t.h.i.n.g. Your body will digest it and it will come out the other side in a few days. That's it!

I repeat... Nothing will happen... that's it ;)

Positive thoughts

06-07-16, 13:41
Thank you Fishmanpa... :)