View Full Version : Seeing 1 spot in (both eyes) when looking up or sideways

06-07-16, 14:28
For the past few years I have been seeing what I can only describe as a small round/circle/spot/blob etc, in both of my eyes, but they only appear when I focus or look very fast or hard either upwards or sideways. I only seen these things when looking at a white wall, or sometimes when I'm in the bathroom.
They also appear when I close my eyes, and looks like a little blink/flash (not huge ) but exactly the same size as when my eyes are open.
But then again it could have been there all along and its just that I have recently discovered them and started obsessing about it.

When I seem them with my eyes open, they have no color and I can see right through them. They kind of resemble a tiny drop of water that has landed on my glasses, but I have no trouble seeing through them and its almost as looking at the shadow of my own retina or something like that.

Could this be just a normal thing like pressure phospehene or some kind of visual "phenomen" caused by beeing hyper sensitive?
I have probably read maybe a bit too much on this for the past weeks but I am getting very few answers to what the cause might be, as I fear I'll only end up with more questions than an answer if I continue to search around the web for similar symptoms.

As my health anxiety got the worst of me (again), I panicked recently and went through another unnecessary visit to the 12th eye examination for the past 14 monts, and as I tried to explain this symptom to my eye doc, he did not seem to understand or know what I talked about, and even though he stressed that I should feel lucky that my eye health was very good and with no signs or symptoms of anything wrong, I still have a very hard time ignoring these visual symptoms, which seem to take aways hours after hours every week.

I have tried to use this information from sharp-sighted.org: but I am not sure if what I experience really is pressure phosphene or if its something else.
A pressure phosphene is caused by pressure, not high intraocular pressure like in glaucoma, but some sort of pressure on the retina. Vitreal traction is a big one...vitreous "tuging" on your retina from the inside, usually not dangerous or fixable. Or pressure from the outside like when you turn your eye a certain way the bones around your eye press on the musculature around your eye which slightly deform the outside of your eye, causing the retina on the inside to also be slightly and temporarily deformed or "pushed in", causing a flash, really common. I can even make myself have pressure phosphenes by closing my eyes and looking in certain directions, it is totally harmless and not fixable.