View Full Version : Ladies - breast pain / sensitivity? Is this normal?

06-07-16, 19:12
Hi everyone,

I hope you're all as well as can be.

Has anyone else experienced boob pain / sensitivity that's pretty random?

I'm at the end of my cycle, but I've been experiencing this today, and the worry has caused a full-on panic attack.

Just wondering if anyone else experiences this - maybe hormonal?

Thank you!

C xo

06-07-16, 21:15
I get this sometimes my boob will have a sore spot usually goes tho don't keep pressing it ill make it worse and the pain will last longer x

06-07-16, 21:18
Thank you so much Beckie!

This is more general sensitivity, with the odd pain. I often get it before my period, but this is immediately following it.

I'm hoping it's just my hormones :huh:

06-07-16, 21:20
I've been told on more than one occasion by my GP that breast pain is nothing to worry about. I get super sore boobs around my period, my boobs are always a little tender on the very outsides near my armpit and I also get sharp pains in one of them. My GP knows about this and is not concerned. I'd hazard a guess that breast pain is very common in all women and only those of us who worry actually mention it to others.

06-07-16, 21:22
Hey KeeKee!

Thank you sooo much for sharing that with me. I don't really have any 'girlfriends' to talk to about this kind of thing. My mum keeps telling me it's hormones - especially as I just finished my period yesterday.

This is like sensitivity, with the odd pains. So strange! xo

06-07-16, 21:27
I bet it is hormones. Mine all started around a year ago too (I'm 27) so even if you've never experienced it before it can happen at any time. All part of being a woman unfortunately. It won't hurt to mention it next time you are at the doctors if it worries you that much, but I know it isn't a sign of anything sinister.

06-07-16, 21:30
Thank you KeeKee!

I'm 31, my daughter is 5. I had it when I was pregnant. (I'm definitely not pregnant now lol!).

The other thing I'm thinking is - I've recently come off of Sertraline (this is my second cycle without it). Sertraline did all sorts of weird things to my periods - I had spotting, delayed cycles. So maybe my hormones are settling back in after the change in meds?

Do you find yours happens even at the end of your period too? xx

06-07-16, 22:26
My soreness is solely prior to my period (other than around the armpit area which is whenever I put pressure on it). The sharp pains are completely random I've even had some tonight (not due or anything).
Strangely enough I'm utterly convinced antidepressants altered my hormones, I came off them 2 years ago and a year ago when my breast soreness began I lost 15lb in weight and also developed hideous dark circles under my eyes. I'm convinced it was after effects of coming off antidepressants and I'm also convinced they can alter hormones. Not like I'm an expert or anything. My boob density changed during my time on Paroxetine (tmi ha) and I've actually read somewhere on the net they can cause such changes. Makes you wonder

07-07-16, 06:54
Hi mine have been randomly sore for a couple of weeks now. I noticed one nipple was really itchy and I googled which was a massive mistake it's sent me into a tizz over what could be causing it. The itching has almost stopped but now I'm sore in both I'm putting it down to hormones and anxiety. Hormones because I felt like my period was due but never showed (I'm on a mini pill so I randomly get a period every few months) so I stopped taking the pill hoping to have a period and get back to "normal" and anxiety because I feel like they are really sore and when I touch them they arnt too bad if that makes sense?

dizzy daisy
07-07-16, 07:47
Yes I get random soreness too. Sometimes it seems more arm pit, sometimes more boob, and it changes location a bit. I've noticed mainly on the right side, but does happen in left too xx

07-07-16, 15:46
Mine get really sore around my period since I became perimenopausal. It's definitely a hormonal thing.