View Full Version : Morning or evening ?

06-07-16, 19:15
Hi guys is it best to take before bed or in the morning ???

Love ya

06-07-16, 19:57
Well i currently take mine in a morning and have for 3 month. However come lunch time i am falling asleep. So i am now thinking of taking it in an evening to see if it makes a difference! My doc did say morning to me but i never asked why. I know some take at night and some morning. i guess it what works best for you. x

06-07-16, 20:00
I take mine early in the morning, about 6.30am. If I remember rightly my dr told me to take it in the morning as it can interfere with sleep.

06-07-16, 20:12
Does it make you feel tired mojo?? im really struggling to stay awake in the afternoon, i work mornings and am okish but soon as i get home i am fighting to stay awake.

06-07-16, 20:25
No, I can't say it does Polly.

07-07-16, 00:30
I take mine at night, it's how I was first administered them and any tiredness they may cause is dealt with when sleeping. It really depends how you feel on your dose x

07-07-16, 11:23
When I started to take Citalopram, I followed the Doctor's recommendation and took the tablet in the morning. I then found that I was almost comatose by 2pm, so I switched to early evening and it actually helped me get to sleep at night.

The associated tiredness eventually went away, and, after a forgotten evening tablet, I reverted back to mornings.

I think that it depends very much on how you, personally, react to the tablet. Doctor's tend to recommend taking it in the morning because it has been known to affect sleep. So take it at the same time every day, at a time that suits your reaction to it.