View Full Version : Over Thinking

06-07-16, 20:19
Hi All
its been a very long time, happy to be back, but not because of the issues of course :) but because the ppl here have always been wonderful.

Im sure my question has been asked a million times, but here goes a million and one :) does anyone else have an issue with fixating on a pain or ache to the point its all you ever do which then feels like it gets or is getting worse? if so, I would like to hear similar stories, as I am going through it right now


06-07-16, 21:42
Hi, I don't fixate on pains/aches but I do fixate on my teeth. For example if I chomp something hard I become convinced I have broken a tooth and will need it taken out. I have been doing this for over 15 years now and I have no idea why I do it.

The more I obsess over it, the more I am checking and it is a viscous circle.

I too would like to hear ways of stopping the thought process