View Full Version : Am I literally in no danger while panicing?

06-07-16, 20:46
I always feel like my body is out of control and I need to run off.. Although propanalol helps

06-07-16, 21:59
I feel the same. They say anxiety cannot hurt you but is sure feels like it!

07-07-16, 11:56
It does feel like it. That is the nature of the beast. And it is easy for me to say now, whilst sitting here without panicking. But you really, genuinely are in no danger at all during a panic attack. Your thoughts are the only thing that can really hurt you. Physically, you are absolutely fine. I think part of the key to getting over panic attacks, its that knowledge that you are completely safe, you are physically well, and you are in no danger whatsoever. Its easy to acknowledge that when you are not panicking, the key is to keep reinforcing it during the panic itself.