View Full Version : How is everyone doing on sertraline

06-07-16, 21:34
Hi just wondering when everyone started feeling the effects off sertraline and what dose your on. Just curious how everyone is doing. Thanks :)

08-07-16, 22:39
Hi Miss Sunshine

I've just been put on Sertraline, after 6 years on Citalopram and a flirtation with Venlafaxine.
I have had two weeks of morning loose bowels and abdominal pain, this is on half dose. Worried about that becoming worse when I increase the dose.

As well as depression /anxiety I have Breast cancer, IBS-D, Type 2 Diabetes and I have had my gallbladder removed 6 yrs ago.

Dose of Sertraline is 50mg, I'm at present taking just 25mg.
My GP just switched me, saying it was a better drug,

Anyone having similar issues to me?

09-07-16, 05:54
I got really ill on sertraline and only lasted a week. Constant burping, nausea, vommitting and diarrhoea. I only lasted 7 days and the last three of those were on only 25 mg.

It is supposed to be good so maybe increase slowly Bonneville?

I'm on day 8 of Venlafaxine and not feeling good at all, though no digestive issues.

Purple Llama
09-07-16, 17:12
I've been on Sertraline for years now and been fine taking it. Initially when first prescribed anti depressants, I tried six different ones which were no help whatsoever. I was just about to give up on the drug treatment but thought I'd give it a last go with Sertraline - So glad I did. I find it really helps and I've had no major side effects. I suppose its just a case of finding the right drug for the right person