View Full Version : No panic attacks in 12years

07-07-16, 00:19
Hi all,

Not sure if this will help anyone but 12years ago I had an illness which started my anxiety and depression. I was having horrific panic attacks all the time for about a year. I still get both anxiety and depression but my anxiety has never progressed to a panic attack again.

The only thing I did is I learned every symptom of a panic attack and why it happens with flight or flight. In a way it took some of the fear out of it but I think from there I must have just become very good at talking myself through the panic, a kind of self applied cbt.

I've had a particularly bad time lately with my two pals but again I've managed to stop the panic attacks, just wish I could do the same with the negative thinking!

07-07-16, 11:53
Just use the same techniques. You've done brilliantly to overcome the panic attacks themselves. Knowledge really is power.
Have you tried mindfulness? I know to many, it may seem a bit 'hippy', but I have been practicing mindfulness after many years of trying many different therapies, and I have found that for me, it really really works!

07-07-16, 17:29
Hi Shea,

I have recently started mindfulness in small chunks so I've done it for about 45days in a row now and I've noticed when my attention is going off on a tangent. I've very much relied on medication in the past whereas this time I've been stopped in my tracks and realise I need to do more to help myself.

Is there a particular mindfulness you do?