View Full Version : Having a wobble- tiredness

dizzy daisy
07-07-16, 07:27
Hi all
I'm having a bit of a wobble today after being fairly ok for a little while.
Back at work Monday gone following 2 weeks holiday. Chilled out mainly, although I over did the wine one night and had an upset tum.
Felt exhausted yesterday so went to bed but only managed a few hours sleep as my naughty dog kept waking me and then I just couldn't really get back into a deep sleep. Now I'm exhausted!! This has set me off worrying again that I have something awful wrong. Late last year when this started I saw GP who ran a whole load of tests telling me if there was anything physical causing this symptom the tests results would alert them. All can back ok. Now I keep thinking just about the only test not on the list was liver function. That's set me off thinking that's the cause of the fatigue!! Can someone talk some sense into me- I know there was no specific liver function performed, but wouldn't the other tests have been skewed indication something could be wrong? Arrgh I hate this xxxx

07-07-16, 08:45
Hi Daisy. This sounds like regular tiredness due to the end of your holiday and not sleeping well. Have you been feeling anxious about going back to work because that may be affecting your sleep too? And don't forget that when your tired your anxiety is heightened, so your probably stuck in a miniature tired - anxiety - tired - anxiety cycle.

I used to work in blood labs and it's normally a whole blood profile which is askew if there's anything seriously wrong (ironic that I say this after panicking about my low white cell count earlier this week, but it's hard to take our own advice!). If there was something wrong on an LFT it would indicate liver damage - symptoms being jaundice, dark urine, vomitting blood, diarrhoea, weight loss - not just fatigue.

Please don't worry.

dizzy daisy
07-07-16, 09:52
Thank you so much Apple. I'm feeling better knowing that my other blood profiles would have indicated something wrong. They did full FBC, iron, ferretin, vitamins, renal profile, thyroid, fasting glucose and lipids, CPR and probably a few more- just not the LFT which then made me have this little blip!!
Funnily enough I was about to reply to your post ha ha- just to say I know they would call you and want further tests pretty quickly if they felt the problem causing low levels was due to something serious. You already know this though don't you because of your employment. You are so right though, we never take our own advice do we.
Thanks so much again. Xx