View Full Version : Tetanus fear

07-07-16, 15:35
I slightly scratched myself (as in you can barely see it) gardening two days ago and can't shake off the obsessive fear that I'm going to get tetanus and die a lingering painful death. I haven't had a tetanus booster for about 30 years. According to current NHS guidelines, I'm fully immunised for life, but I know many other countries recommend you have a booster every 10 years and I stupidly googled and found all the horror stories about people who died after minor scratches.

Can't get a GP appointment, as they're fully booked up, and I know they'll just laugh at me, anyway, as logically I know I am not high risk. Plus it's getting up to the end of the time limit after the injury within which a retrospective jab will help.

Logically I know I probably shouldn't worry - I've previously had OCD/health anxiety issues around botulism and e-coli and my sensible brain tells me this is just mental health issues, but my non-sensible brain is freaking out and telling me I need to get a jab now, even if I have to pay/lie/waste NHS money by going to A & E totally unnecessarily to get one.

07-07-16, 15:55

I would go with what your sensible brain is telling you. The HA is playing a number on your non sensible brain.


07-07-16, 16:13
Thank you. It's hard to ignore the naggy "But what if...?" voice, but I know I must.