View Full Version : Ear problems - anxious thoughts

07-07-16, 16:22
I have very waxy ears (sorry this might be a gross post) and I’ve had them syringed a few times. The latest time I had them done was in Spain because that’s where I live now. I don’t want to say they botched the job but they made it worse - the hearing loss anyway. I went back to the doctor (instead of the nurse) and asked her about it. She checked my ears, said there is hard wax and prescribed me peroxide. Well… again I don’t want to doubt the doctor but she recommended the same thing for when my toenail was hanging off due to persistent sports injury. So I went back to a private doctor and was told that there was a blockage, prescribed ear drops (the same as a nurse friend recommended so I trusted this decision), and told to come back on Monday to get the blockage removed.

So I felt better about this as it felt there was a plan in place. Due to my decreased ability to hear and the kind of full and stuff feeling in the ears, my anxiety has gone sky high. I’m convinced that I’m going to go deaf. I also have had the strangest recurring thoughts (I seem to have forgotten the word for this in anxiety sufferers like myself) about not being able to speak (because I can’t hear but also because when I speak at the moment it’s uncomfortable as it feels like I’m in a bubble). I’ve actually not felt like meeting up and talking to people because it doesn’t feel good to talk and it scares me. For a person like me - who needs to get this kind of stuff out of her head and generally likes chatting to people - it’s been scary and depressing. I’ve arranged to go for a drink with a friend later today and it’s sent me into a panic because I’ll have to speak and also the anxiety has robbed me of the desire to do these things.

All this anxiety has risen to the surface and is looking for thoughts to attach itself to. I just feel so far away from people because it’s at times like these that I just think how amazing it would be to go back to my “normal life” before this started. It feels like it’s been going on for ages, but in reality it’s only two days so far. I thought if I could just start to see signs of improvement in my health then I’d feel better, but these thoughts have started to take hold and I get heightened anxiety and panic.

I don’t have a great support network here. I mean, I can tell people what is happening (well the ear and feeling a bit anxious about hearing), and they will be sympathetic but the one person who is my rock here and completely understands is going away on Sunday for three weeks.

I guess - more than reassurance about my health - I’m just looking for a way to get through this and to manage these thoughts. I would like a way to not panic every time this stuff comes up. Thanks!