View Full Version : New meds working. No anxiety but it feels really weird

07-07-16, 16:51
For the laat 6 months i have been in and out of treatment centers in patient, residental, php and it's finally working. After being agoraphobic and having almost non stop panic attacks all day every day I am finally feeling calm. But now im having a lot of issues trying to tell myself that this feeling is normal. My body is so used to being stressed and my heart was constantly beating out if my chest and i never felt like i could breathe and i couldn't sleep without medication knocking me out. That now that I'm calm It feels like something is wrong like its not real. Has anyone else experienced this? Its like i know i should be feeling great but it's so different then what iwas feeling before.

07-07-16, 16:56
Have you tried discussing this with your Doctor? If so what did they say?

07-07-16, 16:58
He laughed because he agrees i should be feeling good. Idk

---------- Post added at 10:58 ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 ----------

I know nothing is physically wrong with me because i have had like 4 blood tests in the last few months and seen a dr a few times a week in inpatient so i know it's all mental it just feels off

07-07-16, 17:00
Laughing doesn't seem particularly sensitive. I'm sorry to hear you're undergoing such an experience. From the panic sufferers I know taking mediation, they've often said that it gets worse before it gets better but this can take a couple to several weeks before fully adjusting.

07-07-16, 22:46
Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Also, what are the medications, for anxiety alone or for heart rhythm?

That said, yah, I experience the same thing. I've had health anxiety/GAD/panic attacks for the past 20 years on & off, and right now I'm in a huge recovery phase that's been lasting 2 years, and these past months I cycle from being better a week or two and then be extremely anxious/worried and panicky for a few days to a few weeks. When I start feeling "normal" though, it often feels unreal, like something's odd, and often that leads me worrying again. Like you say, I get so used to feeling mentally worked out (I used to knock myself to sleep with pills too at times but quit because they created a dependancy), and get so used to constantly being in "alert" mode, that when I feel calm & peaceful and symptomless (or almost) for a while, it feels unfamiliar.

I've rarely (or never) heard the same from someone else before reading your post, so we're at least two! It makes me think it's normal, and the psychological side of it would suggest it's normal I guess. I think we must just accept (and rejoice!) that things feel different, 'cause if feeling NOT okay feels different, then feeling okay after so long of "not okay" also feels different. It often happens to me anyway. I was actually telling a friend about it a while ago and said: You know, I feel like this is what happens to overweight girls who finally achieve their target weight reduction (I'm neither overweight nor girl, this is just an example) and they've focused so much attention to losing weight for so long that when they do attain their "ideal weight", sometimes they'll still feel off, still feel unaccomplished, as if "losing weight" had become a part of their personality that they had to adjust once they attained what they wanted. I think it must be pretty much the same thing.