View Full Version : HSV1 / HSV 2 concern, questions..

07-07-16, 17:31
Hello. Its been awhile since ive posted on these forums.

Recently I met a woman who has HSV1. I didnt kiss her while she had an outbreak, but I know its still possible to contract the virus when the blister isnt apparent.

Her and I never had sex. We have only dry humped with clothing on, and snuggled a lot. All with clothing. I never asked her if she had HSV2 because we didnt plan on haing sex for awhile.

Fast forward to today. Im panicing. I had a cold sore on my lip last week, and havent been feeling well. Okay, that fine. I can live with that. But here i am on vacation and now im freaking out about genital herpes.

I have been in the pool a lot, and i started to feel this weird pain on my penis. Almost like a rash, but no rash visable
Its very uncomfortable.

Well this morning i said to myself "what if she had hsv2, and i got it through the humping and cuddleing even though it was with clothes on?"

Well, i ran into the bathroom and checked my penis. Low and behold i find 2 red dots on my shaft. Not raised, not itchy, just red dots that i havent seen before.

I am freaking out. I dont have un protected sex. Is it possible for me to get it via humping with clothes? Could these red dots be something else?

Im going to get tested... but until then i believe these red dots make me something in the making.. im losing it! Even if its not herpes, what kind of sick coincidence is this?

I know hsv isnt the end of the world. I just have deep anxiety.

07-07-16, 17:39
There's no possible way to spread HSV 2 without genital to genital contact(.) period.

Positive thoughts

07-07-16, 17:46
Hello, thank you.

I hate to be like this, but is that for certain? We were never skin to skin, but damn we sure were close. I always had atleast underwear and shorts on...

07-07-16, 18:32
Ok... You get HSV 2 from skin to skin contact and while there's a slim chance of "shedding" when not having an active outbreak, transmitting the virus happens during an active outbreak. Same goes for HSV 1. If the person with the virus has a cold sore (outbreak) or is just in the initial or final stages of an outbreak, you can transmit the virus. Again, shedding can happen but like HSV2, it's rare that it does. I've had both for close to 40 years. I know how it works. You can get HSV 1 genitally but cases of HSV 2 orally are very rare.

Your friend can speak to her GP about meds that help suppress and lessen the chances of outbreaks and transmitting the virus but the bottom line comes down to you. Either accept it and practice safe sex or get out of the relationship if it's going to cause this much stress. It can't be healthy for either of you.

I'll tell you this. The fact that she was upfront about this speaks volumes. It's very difficult to have "The Talk" as I know personally.

Positive thoughts

07-07-16, 21:11
Thank you for the further explanation. I appreciate it very much so. It has helped me put my mind to easd.