View Full Version : Continuous headaches

anx mum
07-07-16, 20:59
I'm really struggling at mo. Been getting constant headaches for four months now. Noone seems to know what they are have had 2 mri scans and a ct scan nothing has shown. My anxiety is so high really don't know how to cope:weep:. The pain has been all over head it hurts to touch at times and it's tender. Has anyone experienced this? And what has helped? It's really affecting my life not at work.

07-07-16, 21:05
My anxiety is so high

Stress and anxiety are a major cause of headaches and migraines. Since nothing was found medically, that points to psychological in nature. Treating your anxiety will also treat the symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Headaches) associated with it.

Positive thoughts

anx mum
07-07-16, 22:10
Thank u for info fishmapa

07-07-16, 22:31
Migraine are very common with anxiety. I get them all the time.

anx mum
07-07-16, 22:35
Does this sound like migraine it's been constant for 4 months now. Head is sensitive when touch always there but worst I would say at night

anx mum
08-07-16, 14:28
Is this ever gonna end tired of being in pain. Didn't sleep last night cos hurt when tried head hurt touching pillow. Trying not too take painkillers but it's hard

08-07-16, 15:40
Hi anx mum.
When my anxiety was very high three months ago, I started getting headaches. They were every day and constant and I found it really hard to live with them. They lasted for two months and during the past month they have been less, maybe once a week.

I knew it was the anxiety that caused them although this has never been a symptom I suffered in the past but because my anxiety was so bad and I kept on getting symptoms, I just knew this was one of them.

How did I get rid of them?
I think the most important step was to accept they were nothing more than another anxiety symptom. I have HA so there was a lot of worry about obvious things.
But you've had the tests and they've shown you have nothing medically wrong so that should give you some relief.

Are the headaches causing you anxiety or does your anxiety stem from elsewhere?

I determined that I wasn't going to let them rule my life.
I took painkillers but they didn't always help.
I started going for long walks and doing breathing exercises.
I made sure my diet was healthy.
But most importantly I addressed the issue that was causing my anxiety.
Once that was sorted, my headaches began to fade.

anx mum
08-07-16, 21:14
Thanks becky becks for replying. Trying really hard not to worry but not long ago started getting sharp pains in temple thought omg what's this?. Tried an ice pack first now I've got my wheat bag and it's eased abit. Just want my life back headaches are controlling me

08-07-16, 21:19
I know just how you feel, I was in exactly the same place.
But I recovered and you will too!
Have you tried an infra red lamp?

anx mum
08-07-16, 21:54
No what does lamp do??

08-07-16, 22:02
An infra red lamp helps with so many things. I use it for head aches, stiff neck, back ache and Sinusitis.
Somebody recommended it to me and I found a second hand one on eBay for a very reasonable price.
I think it Works on the circulation. You'll notice an improvement after even one session.

anx mum
09-07-16, 09:24
Thanks becky just had a look on amazon there quite reasonable price bout £20 do they really help headaches? How do they work?

09-07-16, 10:33
The heat from an infra red lamp goes much deeper than a heat pad. It stimulates blood circulation. It's also really safe and can be used for so many different ailments. Make sure you get one that provides goggles to shield your eyes if you use it for the front of your head. I've used mine on my neck and back too and my husband has used it for sinusitis. I definitely recommend it. And please let me know, if you do get one, how it helps you.

---------- Post added at 10:33 ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 ----------

Have you thought about changing your diet? There are some foods that can trigger headaches. Alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, cheese, MSG, artificial sweeteners, dairy products.
Try keeping a food diary.

anx mum
09-07-16, 13:10
How long becky did u have headaches for. They are driving me mad. No diet isn't good hard to diet when got headaches

09-07-16, 16:55
I had headaches continuously for two months, cased by anxiety, triggered by moving to a new town where I felt very unhappy. And then the headaches triggered my HA, and the anxiety caused more headaches. And so it goes on and on until you break the loop.

I don't mean you should diet, just try to eliminate foods that may trigger headaches.

I understand how you feel, I also felt like I was going mad. The headaches just took over my life completely.

But only you can take control and break the cycle.

Try the infra red lamp, try to eliminate the trigger foods, try to relax and most of all accept that there's nothing wrong except anxiety.

09-07-16, 18:31
I too have this problem! Do you have your hair tied up? This causes the tenderness on top of your head! And also anxiety plays the biggest part too if your constantly anxious your shoulders neck and head will be tense! Try to just lay there at night and relax while do some breathing technics! It helps a little xxx

anx mum
09-07-16, 20:01
Yeah do wear my hair up although lately have had it down. So tired of this headache only time free of it is when I'm asleep it's affecting my life as not going to work. Know I need to change my diet. If continues think I need to see headache specialist.

anx mum
10-07-16, 21:07
Is this headache ever gonna go got pain now in temple this is dragging me down everyday

10-07-16, 23:03
You're concentrating on it all the time, that makes it worse. If it was anything serious, it wouldn't go away while you're sleeping. You don't need to see a specialist, but need to work on practical ways to deal with tension caused by your anxiety,