View Full Version : Just Started Having Panic Attacks

08-07-16, 16:45
Hello. This is my first time talking about my fears. I turned 30 earlier this year and before this year I never had a panic attack. I have always had a lot of anxiety, but took it to be a nervous nelly. Now I realize I have a problem. My first panic attack happened over something I thought was really stupid. A character on one of my favorite TV shows died. I literally panicked so much that I threw up and it felt like I couldn't breath. Today I had my second panic attack. I had a dream about moving out of my mom's house and woke up in full panic mode. I felt on fire, was shaking crazy, and thought I was going to throw up. The thought of moving out has never worried me this much before. I need some advice on what to do when a panic attack strikes.

Thank you.

09-07-16, 15:06
When you feel panicky don't fear escalation. Don't feel at the mercy of it. Your like the driver driving the car. You're not the car, you're the driver. Observe your body and keep your mind calm. You're the driver, you're in control, you're not worried.

Your body thinks it is in danger so is just firing off adrenalin. Tell yourself, show yourself that there's no reason to do that and that everything is ok.

You panicked about the actor idea. Show yourself a future where you cope and are happy without this actor. Make that future look acceptable and enjoyable and watch that adrenalin activation shut off again.

The same with the idea of moving out.

Panic can just become a habit.

Idea - oh no - will I feel panic - look for panic - yes there it is.

Then you just do it over and over like all roads/ideas lead to panic. No, all roads and ideas lead to solutions, navigating to solutions, reassurance, deactivating that need for adrenalin.

Become good at calming yourself down.

Another thing that has always worked for me is just remembering I can turn it off, dampen it, whenever I choose. Just because you felt it in your belly/chest doesn't mean it has to complete its journey to full blown panic. No. Close it off. Squash it in an instant. Turn it off. I drop a wet towel on it like onto a small flame. Gone.

Bad habits, new habits. Bad ways to see things, new helpful ways to see things.
They're tools to fight back with.

16-07-16, 00:09
What do you do to help yourself relax?

16-07-16, 02:16
Here's what I have learned. Panic attacks will not harm you. Mine have passed rather quickly. And when there over I seem ok. I learned to just let them run their course. It's probably something that you are going through right now. I mean you probably won't keep getting them after awhile. Maybe once in a great while but not so regular. And they very well may disappear all together.
