View Full Version : Handling fight or flight mode

08-07-16, 20:36
Can anyone help me with how to appropriately react when I go into fight or flight mode?

09-07-16, 00:02
Sit down, breathe slowly, tell yourself it'll pass.

12-07-16, 16:25
And will it pass by me doing that? I could never undetstand how me breathing slowely would help

12-07-16, 16:45
It'll pass whether you do it or not, but by not doing it you're telling your brain there's a problem more so than there actually is.

The thing to remember (and it's not easy!) is that panic in itself isn't dangerous in any way. You're not in danger, you're not dying and nothing bad is going to happen.

When you slow down, sit down, breathe slowly and say 'it'll pass' you're actually training your subconscious brain that it can stop worrying. It's your subconscious brain that triggers the anxiety. Ultimately this means the panic will subside far more quickly.

12-07-16, 20:22
Slowing down has personally worked for me only on rare occasions. This is because, by making the conscious decision to stop and relax, I'm acknowledging the panic and the anxiety; and that makes me panic even more. What I've found more useful (other than distractions) is just carrying on with what I was doing and trying to 'prove' to myself that a particular activity isn't dangerous and is not going to kill me. My anxiety usually subsides once I've stopped paying attention to it.

15-07-16, 23:53
I'm starting to panic really bad at a concert.. I will definitely have to try this.

16-07-16, 20:05
Can anyone help me with how to appropriately react when I go into fight or flight mode?

Take a deep breath and tell yourself to snap out of it. Works for me every time.

16-07-16, 20:22
Justinian, I'm so please you're able to snap yourself out of it like that. It shows great self-control. :) I, on the other hand, can't seem to be able to calm myself down..

17-07-16, 21:49
I think my method is to just stand still, or go and sit down someone and talk myself through it. Remind myself that actually I'm in no danger, there's nothing to be scared of and to focus on something good. It's so so difficult but do practice it until it becomes second nature.

17-07-16, 21:56
I think my method is to just stand still, or go and sit down someone and talk myself through it. Remind myself that actually I'm in no danger, there's nothing to be scared of and to focus on something good. It's so so difficult but do practice it until it becomes second nature.

That sounds like very useful advice, thank you. It sounds difficult, like you say, but I'm sure it brings results if you stick with it. :)