View Full Version : Hello

08-07-16, 23:22
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I don't really know where to start. Iv suffered anxiety for as long as I can remember but since the death of my mam it's escalated badly to the point where it's causing tension between me and my family. The health anxiety is really bad right now. It's always one thing or another, more recently iv been diagnosed with metartarsalgia... Of course I'm 100% sure it's arthritis and I just won't let up. I'm so obsessed with it because the pain is awful so of course I'm constantly googling for symptoms and answers and thinking it's arthritis despite being told by my doc she doesn't think it is. I'm so frustrated with myself because everyone around me thinks I'm completely over reacting and of course I just think I'll prove them wrong when I see the podiatrist!! I get like this with every symptom, say I'll prove them wrong and I never do but this time, horrible foot pain and inflammation... I'm back to thinking "this time I know I'm right" but everyone shakes there head. I don't blame them and so here I am.. Thank you for listening :)

09-07-16, 00:07
Hello and welcome I hope you can find reassurance from the forum and you begin feeling better soon xxx

09-07-16, 00:12
Hi and thank you for the warm welcome xx

Elizabeth Fry
09-07-16, 00:18
I think that anxiety/health anxiety is so pervasive it's hard for people who don't have it to understand. That's what I've found, so I mainly keep it a secret and don't talk to anyone about it. Probably that's not a very good strategy! It's a difficult road to travel if people are not understanding. Mine has definitely escalated since my husband became ill, so with your Mam dying it's no wonder it has increased.

If I've got a problem I try (and sometimes fail) to avoid googling. I go to my doctor and although I might still worry, eventually that issue will be replaced by something else! If you are so unsure it might be worth asking for a blood test if you haven't already done so, I think that might be more reassuring for you.

I do feel for you though.

09-07-16, 09:46
Thanks for the replys. Iv had a full blood count I had a month before the metartarsalgia got at its worse so I'm not sure if it would have picked anything up arthritic.
The full blood count was taken when I had pelvic pain.