View Full Version : High WBC amongst other things

09-07-16, 05:57
Hi Guys

I haven't needed this forum in so long. I have recently moved and found a new GP who ordered bloods for me seeing as I hadn't had them for a while. My Iron is low which I had put down to heavy periods (sorry for TMI). My White blood count was also elevated at 11.7

The GP wasn't too concerned but me being me said oh it wouldn't mean anything sinister would it? She kind of did a double take and said oh well we can retest it to see if it was from a small infection etc and I stupidly declined.

I went home and googled and found out that High WBC is a symptom of luekemia amongst other things I experience. tiredness, I have occasional night sweat when it's hot but is put that down to Lexapro. And reoccurring infections (I get a lot of staph infections in my nose).

My WBC has slowly crept up the last 3 tests I have had that she had on record (I'm sure I've had more than that) so I am terrified I have CLL which is a slow luekemia.

I'm so stressed about it I haven't been like this is a few years.

---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

I also have high C Reactive protein and one of liver results was slightly out. I am gluten intolerant but have been having gluten up until the day of the test.

09-07-16, 11:45
Anyone? Please?

dizzy daisy
09-07-16, 16:02
Hi Sam
I also suffer with horrible tiredness too. I have had bloods which were all satisfactory, but I worried myself silly that they would for back high/low and would indicate something terrible was wrong. I was told that if anything was skewed on the FBC would likely indicate viral infection rather than anything serious. I think as your GP is not concerned then everything. Must be OK. There is no way they'd let you walk out if they were thinking something awful could be wrong. If only I could take my own advice!! Xx

10-07-16, 00:50
Thank you both

10-07-16, 11:39
Hi... I am in a drug called GCSF... my wbc's was 60+ last week. THAT'S high. Above 40 they start to worry... just slightly over could be error in lab equipment. If your dr isn't worried I wouldn't be. Xxx

11-07-16, 09:17
Thank you for the reassurance xxx