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View Full Version : New Here

09-07-16, 07:11
Hi, I am new to this group but not to Panic or anxiety. I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. PTSD, from childhood trauma. I am going to school at the moment. I feel very isolated where I live in Ontario Canada. I moved 15 hours from home. This city is small is lacking much medical help/ I am on Citalopram 20mg since 1999. I was on ativan 3 mg per day 1 mg as need 3x a day. but when I moved here they took me off it and gave me klonapin which I hate. Makes me depressed and sleepy. They they through in Wellbutrin which I don't like. 150 xl I was on it for a month and its another med you have to ween off so I just stopped taking it. We shall see how it goes. Every dr thinks benzo's are bad. I have never gone over the original dose since 1999 and last year my "new md" said its bad. June 16 16 my 17 year old English Pointer went to rainbow bridge. She was every thing to me. I feel so alone. I am also a Reiki Master and a Empath. And I don't trust many ppl. I read ppl so fast. And sad to say the world is ugly. There are good ppl, don't get me wrong. But few and far between. Love & Light Veruca xo:yesyes:

09-07-16, 07:17
Hiya varucasalt and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-07-16, 07:51
Welcome to NMP :welcome:

I'm sorry to hear you lost your dog. That's hard to take and there are members on here who know how that feels. I have a dog myself and he's part of the family so would be very hard to lose.

If you feel like it, there are pet threads around and people post pics of them. I'm sure we would all love to see them. There are lots of pet owners on here, they are so important to our mental health and they really seem to know our feelings and help us.

14-07-16, 06:10
wow no one replies, or says anything, must not be many ppl on here

Vanilla Sky
15-07-16, 12:26
Hi and welcome to NMP :)