View Full Version : My Heart

09-07-16, 08:55
waking up in the middle of the night and sometimes during the day with a panic attack because I'm scared of the fact my heart is always there and always beating.
I'm scared I can never escape it otherwise I'd be dead. So that fact that it's always there and I have no control is making me scared and giving me full blown panic which makes my heart beat very fast and obviously even more noticable.
It's stopping me from enjoying my life. Some days I'm so scared I don't want to move or get out of bed. How can someone help me
Get over this?? Xx
Ps I've had many ekg on my heart and I'm well.
I'm just scared of the fact I have a heart :-(

09-07-16, 14:51
Lots of ideas can be scary when you feel in danger of panicking. But they're just ideas.

Have different ways to see the idea that is scaring you. Like you have the scary idea that panics you but do you have any more calming, reassuring ways to see the heart idea.

Look for ways to see your heart that work for you, that relax you and show you everything is ok.

I have similar ones to that. The one that started it off years ago is similar to that. They're nonsense. Show yourself that they're nonsense. Show yourself that having a heart beating is the calming, reassuring thought and that not having one doing that is the panicky thought.

Associate not having one or not feeling one with illness and bad things. But FEELING and HAVING one is a reassuring thing because it is strong evidence you are alive, healthy, strong and thriving. Feel the relief when you feel it beating strong and healthy.

When the negative association pops in there, and it will, shush it and change direction. Don't give it a seconds attention anymore. See the new way now. Then forget, just leave the unhelpful idea behind you and forget.

10-07-16, 23:30
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and Help me. I'm trying to look at my problem in a rational way and your kind words have helped. Thank you xxx I will keep trying