View Full Version : Flutters

18-03-07, 18:46
hey everyone i have been getting what feels like a racing heart and flutters for about 6 months now but when i check my pulse it seems normal but they still really scare me and stop me doing and enjoying things i nave had 2 ecg test and everything was fine but i still worry something is wrong surely these test would not miss anything would they im looking for some words of advice and help from anyone that can really thanks and sorry to go on x:flowers:

18-03-07, 22:29
Hi - I have ectopics, that is extra beats or missed beats in my pulse. Sometimes I can feel them in my chest as flutters or flips but sometimes I can only feel them in my pulse (which is very alarming). I have had ecg's and been told they are nothing to worry about (though they have given me mega anxiety). The important thing is, as I understand it, is that if your heart is structurally sound (the ecg would show this) these palpitations or flutters are nothing to worry about. With the ecg it is not just a question of what it shows up, but what it doesn't show - ie no sign of heart disease or heart misfunction. If you have no other symptoms, could it be that these sensations are related to stress or anxiety - do they come on when you are feeling stressed?. There is a great website about heart palpitations at:


A doctor (neurologist) answers questions like yours and there is lots of really good info. I hope this helps.

04-08-08, 12:45
That link doesnt work. Do you have another?

milly jones
04-08-08, 13:18
hi peter

i get flutters of slow or missed beats

never had this checked out cos it doesnt worry me

please try to ignore them hunny.

worrying just makes things worse


mill xxxx

04-08-08, 17:36
This link should work:
its an excellent forum