View Full Version : Moles cancer fear of dying!!!

09-07-16, 18:27
Hi guys! Greatful for some advise I was itching the back of my shoulder today and asked my mum to have a look it's a mole slightly raised and round but obviously I started to panic, witch then spark me on to look at a mole on my leg it's been there since I could remember, but what got me with this one is that it's jagged edges and slightly fading edges, I do remember a few years ago it was itchy! I am right now looking up everything all over the Internet scaring the living day lights out of myself! I suffer with very very servere HA I'm currently living at my mums and leaving my partner of 8 years at home on his own! I have 2 beautiful children a boy (5) and a girl (8months) I am so desperately scared to leave them behind and the rest of my family! I also suffer with what I believe to be IBS self diagnosed! I am just so scared about these moles! Although I'm scared shitless of dying sometimes I feel it would be better if I could take my own life and not some illness! HELP ME PLEASE!!!! (Crying as I write this)

09-07-16, 20:20
Hey Nicole,

I can relate to your feelings 100%. I've just come out of a bout of anxiety about moles as I have about 10 on my back and one on my leg pretty much the same as you describe - it started as an itch that turned into a mole and would get a wee bit itchy from time to time.

There are a few tell tale signs if a mole is dangerous or not, colour seems to be the main one (if part of it is blue or black). I recommend popping down and chatting to your GP and just get them to have a look to put your mind at ease. It certainly worked for me as I was proper spiralling about my many moles - old and new.

The doctor said even if there was something wrong (unlikely by the sound of yours) it's actually the easiest procedure to get it dealt with - basically in and out the same day.

You're more than likely fine but honestly for the peace of mind, get a GP to tell you the same thing and slay that health anxiety dragon and enjoy your family :)

09-07-16, 23:16
Thank you for your reply Jordan! I am going to make an appointment with my doctors! I just feel like that will 100% fob me off! Will see, I'll keep you posted thanks again ☺️