View Full Version : Something still doesn't feel right :( this testicle bump still has me concerened

09-07-16, 18:51

I went to cbt on Monday got on well with the guy it was more of an introduction than anything getting details etc told him my problems. My next appointment is in a month and can't wait for it frankly in the next one he is going to discuss anxiety and coping methods to hopefully rid my self of it.

Anyway I've had this little I'd say bump on the top of my left testicle now for a bout a month and a half well noticed it could've been there for years i'd say maxiumum it's about 1mm it could've got a tiny, tiny bit bigger but nothing majorly noticeable it feels bigger at certain times of the day and sometimes sitting position, lying etc. probably even less than that and it's quit squishy and moveable if that means when you put your fingers over it and it moves like left and right a bit. Idk how you define movable.

When i push on it there's no pain and it doesn't even really feel raised or anything like i can push it right down and it doesn't feel raised it's softish certainly not hard. I can't work out whether it is on the epididymis or just near it when i do the self exam normal and after a show it varies. Like yesterday i lost it for about 30 seconds and couldn't find it all.

If i use my left hand on my testicle to exam and roll it i can feel it but when i use my right hand and do the exam slightly differently I sometimes barely feel it? and when i grip the epididymis you can sort of see the main body of the testicle I think underneath it it seems to be on the right side of the epididymis round the right and further to the back of the testicle i think? but it's definitely in the top portion of the testicle.

The bowel issue seems to have improved still getting incomplete evac every now and then but only went once yesterday i think the stress of this issue is still affecting my digestive system as I'm still subconciously worrying about stuff.

I'm still convinced i have something that will eventually kill me though and i still feel quite scared and depressed :( I just can't enjoy things like i used to

Cheers, Jack

10-07-16, 04:20
Is it on the outside or inside? If its on the inside sounds like something I'm dealing with except in my breast (as I'm a girl). Its freaking me the heck out! :/ I can totally relate.

10-07-16, 05:03
Lockey... for goodness sakes, stop playing and feeling your junk! ~lol~ It's getting out of hand! Actually it's just the opposite but you know what I mean :whistles:

Why so long between your appointment? Seems to me, based on your posts, you should be going weekly or at least bi-weekly. Maybe you can find a way to move the appointment up a week or so?

"I'm still convinced i have something that will eventually kill me..."

So am I and something will eventually be the demise of everyone at some point but the key is to live your life the best you can and not allow irrational thoughts to control you. Living with the fear you're currently living with is not really "living".

Positive thoughts

10-07-16, 08:26
If you are worried go back to your GP and asked for an ultrasound, agree with Fishmanpa leave your bits alone, once or twice per month is enough to check your air bags/testicles etc.

10-07-16, 12:22
Ahh ok do you reckon it could just be a cyst or something how quick would tc grow?

10-07-16, 13:08
This is not to scare you but the GP I saw did think he felt a lump and referred me to a see specialist and just to be on the safe side sent me up for an ultrasound even though he could not feel it.

All I got told from the scans small cysts relating to the epididymis and nothing needs to be done at this stage.

I have no idea how quick tc lumps grow because I am not a GP and I dont want to Google it because I will go back into my old ways.

26-07-16, 21:04
Sounds exactly like what I had even to the point of the exact same location i went for an ultrasound and they found a harmless 3mm cyst which required no further action. What I was told was it becomes sinister when it is actually attached to the testicle and feels hard and gritty like a stone texture. From what you described sounds very benign. All the best

27-07-16, 00:20
I hve a small hard lump near the pipes on my left one, haven't gone to docs but am pretty certain its one of them common things you get near the pipes full of old "ahem".. Wouldn't worry to much.. When i started thinking ball cancer, they started to hurt when i forgot about it, they weren't hurting lol.. Anxiety..

27-07-16, 15:30
Thanks, I feel slightly better about that now .