View Full Version : HIV anxiety

09-07-16, 20:47
I'm an 18 year old female that's made a mistake!! Basically from the beginning... I was diagnosed with severe health anxiety about 5 months ago and I still very much struggle with it, physically and mentally. Moving on to the HIV part, I recently had sex with a guy that I barely knew and know nothing about his sexual history. The day after I asked him if he had any sti's just to make sure (I know I should have asked him before but it didn't cross my mind). After I asked he replied 'I've got HIV' and my stomach dropped, I was begging him to tell me he's joking but he spent the next 20 minutes convincing me he had it and it wasn't until I started crying he told me he was only joking but by then the idea was already far implanted in head and since he told me I've felt like I've had a fever, sore throat, ear ache and migraine and I'm 100% convinced I have HIV because we didn't use a condom and he ejaculated inside me. the day after I went to get PEP and I'm currently taking it just to be safe but I think it's really having an affect on my anxiety and making it worse and I just keep googling symptoms of HIV and everytime I read a new symptom I start to feel it but I don't know if the symptoms are just side effects of the PEP or even symptoms of anxiety. On top of that now I'm starting to question if I've got HIV from previous sexual partners as I never used a condom because I trusted all of them and knew exactly who they'd had sex with. I get the results back from my first HIV test in 3 days but that won't cover all my sexual partners as I was told the results may not be accurate before 3 months but I don't want to be this worried for another 3 months I feel like I'm going insane! Could anyone offer some reassurance please?:(

dizzy daisy
09-07-16, 21:10
I used to work in infectious disease and HIV is very scary but it's not always the easiest thing to catch. If a person had HIV it would depend on their viral load at the time of the contact as to how easily the infection could be passed on. In not saying you have no risk because of course having unprotected sex is a risk, I'm just saying even if the guy was HIV positive chancrs can be high or low depending on viral load. Tests are pretty accurate these days and if your first test is clear- it's a pretty good chance you will be clear when you have the next one. X

09-07-16, 21:21
Thank you for the reassurance! I don't think I'll be 100% not worried until the second result but until then I'll just have to keep telling myself that I'm 99% sure none of the people I've had sex with have HIV and try to stay positive:)X

dizzy daisy
09-07-16, 22:10
One of my friends had unprotected sex with a guy who then told her he had HIV and he wasn't joking. She had a worrying time awaiting test results but she was clear. I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. Just take care of yourself in future as its not worth taking the chance and not to mention all the stress of it. Xx

09-07-16, 22:20
Oh god that must've been so horrible for her! Yes definitely never putting myself in this situation again I'll be a lot more careful, thanks again Xx

dizzy daisy
09-07-16, 23:30
It was really awful for her hut thankfully she was fine. Yes, definitely keep yourself safe, your health is important so enjoy your life but don't take any unnecessary risks xx

10-07-16, 04:55
First off, I'm sorry you're stressing about this and I know no words will offer reassurance until you test clear at three months which I'm sure you will.

Secondly... OMG! What an *&%!#% This guy is a )!^#*&#^!!! I'm sure he didn't know about your anxiety issues but regardless, what a horrible thing to do! He deserves a swift kick in the you know where IMO!

Now... the chances are incredibly slim but your anxiety will tell you otherwise. Just do the best you can to deal with it. Look into coping techniques and relaxation methods until you get the all clear (again, which I'm sure you will). No need to remind you to practice self restraint and safe sex in the future!

Positive thoughts

10-07-16, 07:43
I'm currently suffering with it that it's taken over my life.

I agree with others this guy is a you know what! He sounds horrible to say such a thing to you. As your first test came back ok, I'm sure your next test will too. I wish I could say the same for myself. Ten years ago I was in a pretty bad relationship, mentally and physically abusive. I did things I didn't really want to do but I was young and dumb. For the past three days I've had a whitish coated tongue and I fear the worst :-( I've been ok otherwise physically for the most part, apart from a bout with sinusitis which had a high WBC but a follow up blood test showed that to be going down after treatment so no idea what that could mean, but think I am making myself so sick over this.