View Full Version : Neck issues

10-07-16, 12:40
Hey there!

I am really worrying about my neck right now, so if anyone can offer any advice or similar stories, I'd appreciate it immensely!

Basically, I feel that my back right neck is very tight and pressured (no pain), and it stretches to just behind my ear and a little up to right side of my skull. It has felt like this for a little under week, so I am worrying it is something sinister. When I tilt my head back or to the side, my right side neck feels so different and tight.

I am convincing myself it is a tumour growing somewhere in my neck/skull that is causing this issue, and it is making me so anxious.

Just to add, when I swallow, on my right side again, I feel the tightness more in my neck and around my ear.
I am being very silly and prodding and feeling my head a lot in case I feel any bumps or unequal parts of my skull, so I know this is not helping with my neck etc. and I have not touched my head today at all. But the worry is still driving me mad.

I do work long hours in the same position, so maybe it could be to do with how I hold myself? But if so, why is it only now, after years of doing the same thing, that this neck stiffness on one side has appeared?

Anyway, any help would be great! Thanks!