View Full Version : Please give me GIRL advice, please...

Piscian Daydreamer
18-03-07, 21:32
Hi everyone.

I'm sorry, i havent been around for a while, partially because ive been trying to get on with my life. A long term anxiety sufferer, im a 21 male.

Still on Mirtazapine ive been doing really well,,, then i met a girl.
Now i'm so depressed its unbelievable. I just cannot get this girl out of my mind,,, i need her by my side so badly.. i feel empty without her.

Its not a crush. Im from Birmingham but she's living in Loughborough. She's my friends best friend whose from Birmingham. Met her once, almost fell in love with her at first sight. Didnt do anything but got her number.

This friday, i went up to Loughborough with my mates and met her. I pulled her in a club. Just kissed her, she kissed me back, sat in the corner and chatted. She is gorgeous, i told her that. Asked if i could take her out in easter and she smiled.

BUT NOW I AM DISTRAUGHT. I come back to Brum and i don't know what to think. Friday was sheer heaven for me, i really like this girl. But my anxiety has really built up over this and is destroying my mind, i feel terrible. You'd think that i'd be happy, i went to Loughborough and actually got the girl of my dreams in my arms. We said goodbye when i came home and it felt amazing.

But now im going out of my mind with paranoya,, I NEED ANSWERS and don't have any. Paranoya is reeping my soul. I am scared that this was just one night... that she may not feel the same. She lives so far away, how am i meant to ask her out? She's going back home to PORTSMOUTH over Easter, so i can hardly get a date with her.... I feel so desperate to talk to her and see her... but i can't text her again because i feel like im going to fast...

I know she only split up with her boyfriend 8 weeks ago. I don't want anything serious but i am desperate to see her. I don't know what to do now. Suggest a date???? I was thinking of leaving it for a few days and then sending her a poem.... ive already writ it. Do you think girls like poems? Its a kind of funny, ryhming poem which (at the end) says:

The offer still stands Charlie..one night , anytime, any place any where
Im dying to see your smile again,, and play with your lovely long hair

I've only met you twice, but i think your really nice
So come down to Brum or let me come up there... i'll have the champagne on ice.

WHAT DO U THINK? will it win her heart?

Basically, this is a normal enough situation but my anxiety is making life so painful for me, its unbearable. Feels like i'm steaking my whole life on this girl, like i don't care about anything else, she is all i want.

I'm so scared. Im shaking now because my anxiety is pure torchure.

Please anyone, just type back, give me words of wisdom, advice...

THANKYOU. Your simple words will mean so much.

18-03-07, 21:55
Hi There

If someone sent me a poem like that I would have to see them again!!!:yesyes:

Please try and relax being in love is supposed to be fun and not cause more stress!!!!

Im sure if you calm down and take a deep breath it will all work out for you both:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

18-03-07, 23:00
well, it seems like she did like you back
how it was that night didn't really seem like a one night thing
and its ok to THINK like that
how you love her and want her and can't stop thinking about her tho
but if you tell her or somehow let her know about it, it can be a real dealbreaker for most girls
just try and act cool, and it'll be cool

and the poem is cute, but it may be to much for now
maybe after you see her another time and talk more and stuff you should give it to her
like, its a 50/50 thing with that

i hope it all goes well!

20-03-07, 16:18
Hi Daydreamer-glad to hear you are getting on well with the meds!

As Kazzie says, being in love is meant to be fun-not a form of self-torture!

I think the poem's a great idea-fun and flirtatious, without being too pushy.
I would give it a few days before sending it to her by text-I'm a 22 yr old girl and I know I always like it best when the guy makes the first move. After that, the ball's in her court-wait for a reply, then if you don't hear anything in a few weeks, you could call.

As for her being in Loughborough and you in Brum-Loughborough's not that far away, it's near Leicester isn't it? You could easily get the train to visit and if you can drive, it'll be even quicker. Since she's a friend of a friend, then you should see one another quite a lot anyhow.

I think once you've decided when to contact her, you'll feel a bit better. Just stick to your decision and play it cool. Sounds as if things are progressing well-you got her number and then you actually sat and talked as well as pulling.

Hopefully we'll hear from you on success stories soon!