View Full Version : Mouth muscles

10-07-16, 14:40
When i open my mouth as wide as I can 1 side of my lip is lower than the other and also when i try move 1 side of my lip up the left side I can show my teeth but the right even though it still goes up I cannot does anyone else have this and should I be worried?

10-07-16, 15:02
Why on Earth are you even doing that? :huh:

Positive thoughts

10-07-16, 15:34
The left side of my mouth felt weird when I was talking so I was looking at it and it actually seems stronger. No problems smiling just when i try use my mouth muscles to stretch it as much as I can

10-07-16, 15:49
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I can pull this 'face' type thing with the left side of my upper lip. It's kind of what those Cliché school bullies in movies do when they are pulling their faces at their targets. I can't do it with my right.

I was told by my GP nobody is symmetrical, I went because the whole left side of my body feels heat and cold different to my right and I was told it's normal. I'm right handed yet can carry heavier objects in my left hand as it doesn't feel the weight as much, but I've been assured this is normal. I'd say you have nothing to worry about to be honest. We all supposedly have one leg longer than the other etc, why not our lips/muscles.

11-07-16, 11:57
What I mean is when I open my mouth as much as I can without using my hands like almost as if when people scream

11-07-16, 12:35
Jamie, again... other than a yawn, this is not a normal every day behavior that people do. Why are you doing this and why on earth would it be concerning at all?

Positive thoughts

11-07-16, 14:49
I dont know its just every time i walk past a mirror I think about it for example when I clench my teeth 1 side of the opening of my mouth is smaller and it worries me for some reason:weep: probably because I think of muscle weakness

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------

Just noticed when I smile with my teeth showing 1 side is lower and now having a panic attack

11-07-16, 14:56
I dont know its just every time i walk past a mirror I think about it for example when I clench my teeth 1 side of the opening of my mouth is smaller and it worries me for some reason:weep: probably because I think of muscle weakness

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------

Just noticed when I smile with my teeth showing 1 side is lower and now having a panic attack

Why does it worry you!? We are not meant to be symmetrical. Most people have one boob bigger than the other, one hand/foot etc.
It could even be due to your teeth alignment

---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------

One of my eyelids is like this, when I purposefully stare in the mirror one of my eyes has more of the white on show than the other. It's even noticeable in photographs

11-07-16, 15:48
Thanks for that its just I have been my HA has been pre occupied with diseases which involve muscle weakness and it thinks of this as proof of that

11-07-16, 16:15
I understand how you're feeling we've all been there. It's awful and I know how hard it is when your mind us trying to convince you it's something dreadful.

11-07-16, 17:59
The quality is bad but here is where i clinch my teeth and mouth the left side is visibly lower and this terrifies me:weep::weep::weep:

11-07-16, 18:23
The quality is bad but here is where i clinch my teeth and mouth the left side is visibly lower and this terrifies me:weep::weep::weep:

Well it is a scary face after all ;) But seriously, I realize this is a real fear to you but I just don't know what anyone could say to ease that fear besides the fact that it's a total "non-issue". Are you getting help for your anxiety yet Jamie? I know classes must have ended....

Positive thoughts

11-07-16, 21:12
Thanks. No I havent and you can probably tell. I need to but I feel like they will see me as weird and it will look bad on me having to have therapy in the future even though I need to as I have already moved onto my next symptom which is feeling like there is something in my left nostril and I have had this for ages when I think about it for about 6 months and now I read about someone saying that Sinus cancer is slow growing and im panicking again

11-07-16, 23:06
Jamie, neither my lips or teeth are symmetrical....nor when clenching.

My clenched teeth are actually wonky, so my bite kind of slants lower down one side of my mouth. I used to fixate on it, and curse the fact I never had braces as a kid, but now - perhaps with age - I don't fixate on it and just think sod it.....life is far too short to worry about stuff like this.

As many have said already, our bodies are not always perfectly even each side. This doesn't indicate something wrong like a muscular weakness. If you can eat, smile, move with ease then nothing is wrong.

Anxiety makes us fixate on the most ridiculous stuff. That is the nature of anxiety sadly......creating irrational thinking.

You are fine. :winks: