View Full Version : Diziness and light headed

10-07-16, 15:23
Hi everyone. After my blood pressure and bowel.cancer worry I am worried about the fact I started to feel light headed and dizzy at times but now in last 3 days I've felt it almost constantly. Sometimes worse than others. Walking around I feel like I'm in a different world. Hoping it's a virus or something but so far have read stroke high blood pressure and worse. Like I said my blood pressure before was 136/92 but goes up.and got it down at times. Could that really make constant diziness. Just getting so anxious about it now. Just want to be normal.

11-07-16, 07:01
I had the worst night. Could this all be anxiety.

11-07-16, 07:24
Anxiety can definitely make you feel dizzy. I have this a lot when my anxiety is bad.

11-07-16, 08:32
I just don't feel like I'm all there if that makes sense.

11-07-16, 08:43
Yes it makes sense. I've been having this alot myself recently, spaced out etc. It really is anxiety but hard to convince yourself. I'm starting new meds so it may be partly that as well. Hope it passes for you soon.

12-07-16, 14:20
Went to gp yesterday. Never seen her before and she was so rude. Said that there was nothing wrong with me even with the diziness and light-headedness and to control my anxiety best I can. Blood pressure was really high but she said down to anxiety. Today I feel worse with a headache. Getting down

13-07-16, 07:33
Today I've woken up and still feel the same, like I'm spaced out. It's horrible..having to take a day off...could it just be that I'm a bit under the weather. Would really appreciate a reply

13-07-16, 12:37

13-07-16, 13:10
Anxiety can definitely cause lightheadedness and dizziness. I had it constantly for 7-8 weeks after the same scare as you anxiety is also accompanied with lack of sleep (constantly waking up every hour or so) lack of appetite, jelly legs, weak arms, the feeling of toppling over when completely stationary, headaches, pins and needles and so on. I was diagnosed by Dr google with illnesses ranging from brain cancer, stroke, MS etc. It will eventually wear off try to remain strong. All the best

13-07-16, 13:42
Thanks, I just want it to go away. What's brain cancer? I'm scared. Shall I go back to doctors. She was so blasé

Hopefully it goes soon....just hate the feeling that's it will never go.

13-07-16, 14:14
I'm so sorry to have scared you what I meant was brain tumour that's all I kept finding on the internet along with stroke, MS and so on I promise you just ride out the wave and you'll be fine. At one stage I actually thought I have done permanent damage to myself because it was constantly every second off the day for 7-8 weeks now its literally gone it will get to a stage where you'll start thinking ok its been long enough and I'm still here nothing has happened and it'll become boring thinking about it than gradually it'll start to wear off. As for the doctors I can honestly say there's no need to go for anxiety I was making emergency after emergency appointments only to be told there's nothing wrong in the end I had to start apologising for what I thought was wasting useful resources. Be strong ride out the wave and you'll be fine I promise. If need be private message me for a chat or whatever. Take care

14-07-16, 07:38
Thank you so much for your reply. I've had a really manic few weeks so just going to put it down to that and hope it goes away soon. Really appreciate your reply!

14-07-16, 15:48
I totally understand what you are going through i wouldn't wish it upon anyone just remember 1 thing that at times we can be our own worst enemy good luck and all the best you'll be fine.