View Full Version : Weird head feeling

10-07-16, 18:38
Constant feeling like I'm needing to squint and I'm all brain fog and I'm not like dizzy but my head feels really weird. It's much worse when I'm at work and the lights make it worse. Idk if it's a combination of the lights and having to be up at 5 everyday to work or what. Head pressure mostly on forehead and the back of my neck feels strained. I just never feel good or myself anymore. Idk what's wrong. It's like I'm waking and talking but I'm not really there. Very strange. Anyone? And I get random spots on my head that will hurt. Doctor diagnosed me with TMJ but idk how much that would actually cause any of these symptoms. Thanks! I'm a 21 year old female.

10-07-16, 19:34
It definitely could cause all those symptoms!

Also when I was having weird head pressure feelings and pains in neck, it turned out to be related to my sinuses! Once I was treated for that and put on a nasal spray for ongoing allergies, the symptoms went away.

10-07-16, 20:53
He told me I had allergies too and he gave me Flonase and I am taking Claritin too. The eye and sinus pressure went away but this weird head feeling is still lingering! Thanks for replying:)