View Full Version : does anyone suffer from lupus on here?

10-07-16, 18:57
okay so i have been going threw hell past five months
aniexty non stop
ridiculous amount of symptoms never a cause found
past two weeks i started experiencing severe joint pain in my elbows wrists and fingers it in both hands but sometimes not at same time
im also getting horrible tingling threwout both my arms
my doc is sick of sight of me and i dont blame him
also been getting headaches but put that down to weather

i stumbled across lupus a while back when i have coagulation tests and my appt came backraised
they repeated them two weeks later and although still prolonged only by 2 seconds so doc said no worries
that was lupus anticoagulant i was worried about

now im worried about the autoamuine lupus
infact im TERRIFIED
i saw my doc explained that i was concerned but he literally laughed at me but after reading about it i genuinly think it is a possibilty
i keep getting blood traces in urine my crp always slightly raised but he refusing to test :(
what iv read about lupus is terryfying the idea im not being taking seriously is worrying the hell out of me
iv also been more tired then usual and had what the doc said is ringworm but looks nothing like it twice on my leg in four months but never had it before :s
any advice would be fab