View Full Version : tumour of the salivary gland

10-07-16, 19:08
I have a hard lump firm slightly mobile my near my submandibular area... noticed it about 3 months ago....it is about 2 by 2 cm...

initially the doctor thought was a lymph node enlargement. given antibiotic no use at all. next went to find ent specialist, they did a nasendoscopy and find tissue at my nasopharynx. Biopsy result indicates active lymphoid ...

Next, a fna was done on the lump. When the sample was taken, the technician examine it immediately. The doctor told me most likely it is a tumor of the salivary gland... was told to go for ct scan while waiting for biopsy result which will be out in 2 weeks...

VERY anxious... ........

10-07-16, 23:27
I am really sorry you are going through this. I would be anxious myself, can't imagine honestly. Take some deep breaths and remind yourself there is probably more of a chance it is benign than anything else. I hope they get the results back to you soon. :hugs::hugs:

11-07-16, 13:14
Been there done that. I'm a Stage IV H&N survivor so I know full well the plethora of emotions you're dealing with. The mantra is "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer".

One step at a time. Find out what the deal is first.

Positive thoughts

11-07-16, 23:40
My dad had cancer of the salivary gland a few years ago and it was actually very treatable, he had an operation to remove it and touch wood, has been absolutely fine since. I think as far as cancers go, it's definitely treatable and also not always cancerous. Hope that you get your results through soon and all is well. Xx

12-07-16, 05:23
thanks for all the reply. It is a pleomorphic adenoma of the submandibular gland. Ct scan and fna confirm the diagnosis. ent doctor advise to remove it since i am still young plus the fact that the tumour is still small....

dizzy daisy
12-07-16, 10:36
That's good news in that it's benign. Must be a relief for you. My husband had a similar scare last month, and his was abcess confirmed by ct scan. He had to have a few surgeries but is fit and well again now- his was complicated as had massive infection too so not at all the same as your diagnosis. All the best xx

12-07-16, 12:13
What a relief! I am glad it is benign. Are you going to have it removed?

12-07-16, 12:43
~Whew~ That's good news! I know how relieved you must feel. Yeah, it's best just have that puppy removed and move on. I'm very pleased to hear this is a benign issue.

Positive thoughts

14-07-16, 10:14
Yes. I think i will choose to go for the surgery. Incident like this really change my impression of life.. Only when one knows he is going to die then will he start to live ...

14-07-16, 12:44
Incident like this really change my impression of life.. Only when one knows he is going to die then will he start to live ...

It's interesting how our mindsets change when a "fear" becomes a reality or even a possible reality.

I've never been an anxiety sufferer. Even so, I had the worries and stress that most deal with in life. After my serious health issues, even those worries took a back seat. I learned to appreciate life for the things that are truly important AND the things I do have control over. The words in my signature say it all and I live my life to those words to the best of my ability.

Of the tens of thousands of posts and fears I've read about here in the last few years, I know of only two that have realized their fear. Both are doing fine now and best of all, their anxiety took a back seat and stayed there!

Again, glad to hear this is a benign issue and you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts

04-11-16, 15:41
The surgery was done. Excision biopsy confirm it is pleomorphic adenoma.. however the surgical margin was not that good... 100micron margin only..

04-11-16, 15:50
Glad to hear it was done and the benign diagnosis confirmed. Don't be concerned about the margins. You'll have follow-ups so they'll be keeping a close eye on things for a while.

Positive thoughts