View Full Version : need advice

18-03-07, 22:28
Things are not going so well. I was doing better than suffered a setback and am now on day 6 of having multiple panic attacks a day and they are worse than ever. I mean 100X the stength they were before. I am dizzy all of the time and often loose my peripheral vision.

Friday at work I suffered a 3 hour panic attack, it just came and went over the whole 3 hours and I was so tired and sick I had to call someone to pick me up and take me home early.

I'm thinking of quitting. I know we aren't supposed to run from things but things just aren't going well for me and I feel I will die if I keep working there.

Any advice would be helpful?

Also, I should add that I am already leaving work on July 13th to go back to school. I have hated the corporate word and will be studying something I enjoy more. I just don't think I can make it that long.


18-03-07, 22:54
im sorry, hun, about the panic attacks
and you're not running, fully... they are hard to get thru and you can let yourself be overwhelmed sometimes
well, i dont think the job is right for you if you feel that way about it.. maybe you can take a week off or something
just to try and get it together a bit and go back and see how it is
then you have the leaving it for school in a few months so i guess its your choice for the next few months
hopes it gets better <3

18-03-07, 23:12
hi.. i know its really hard, ive been there, but i think the best thing you can do is stay... i left my job cos it was all too much 3 years ago and haven't worked since.. i know its hard but it'll be even harded to go back... the more things you stop doing the harded it is to start again.. i truely wish every day that i had fought harder to keep working.. the thing is, is that if you stop working now and your panic attacks do become easier to deal with your subconsious will link work enviroments with panic attacks and as soon as that happens its so hard to stop it spiralling outta controll, i think if you are really unhappy with your job and do decide to quit then make sure you have something else to do during the days... if you sit at home then things really do become a lot harder and scarier... obviously this is only my experiance of it, everyone's different, but i really wish ya all the best, i know you said you were going back to studying, i also tried this but after spending time away from busy work/college enviroments i still haven't managed to get back to it.. if i were you i'd try my hardest to stay where you are for the moment, its only another 5 months. remember, each panic attack is individual, they do get easier, just try and not run away from them (easier said then done i know)... lotsa love

18-03-07, 23:53
Thank you for your advice.

I see both sides. On one I really feel working a job I have hated for 5 years has contributed to my panic. On the other I worry if I leave it will be that much harder to go to school as ven though I will be studying what I enjoy it will be similar to work in that I have to sit through class etc....in fact now my worst fear has become that I won't be able to do it.

I am 29 years old and because of a traumatic event in my childhood have had anxiety since the age of 8. However, I have always been able to deal with it. Then last year the panic attacks started and have gotten worse and worse. I read in a medical study that panic attacks are the scariest thing a person can experience and I would have to agree. And when I have one, all I want is for it to stop. I also find the other sypmtoms that I ahve even when not in pani, ie. dizziness, heart palpitaions to be really scary too as they come on with no warning at the worst possible times.

19-03-07, 06:24
3 hours panic attack ? I didn't know that's possible.Maybe it was 10mins and then it was only anxiety ? I know that the pa's are like 5-10mins...

19-03-07, 11:28
i can see what you're saying, its so so hard to know what path to take... i think if you do quit then just make sure you're still doing things during the day.. instead of quitting why try not doing things to try and reduce your general level of anxiety, that way you can stay and hopefully feel better about beinf there, read some books on the subject? the more you know about panic attacks the less scary they seem, well they are still scary but ive found mine last about 10 mins then i feel good after because all the tension's been released rather than the anxiety go on for hours after, meditation perhaps? yoga? all these things can make it seem a bit easier. there's also a homeopathic remedy you can get from boots called arg. nit. 30, because its natural there's no side effects, take them when you're anxious, works for me... let us know what you decide to do

20-03-07, 15:36
hey maya,

i think what you are experiencing is a 'panic cycle' - you have one panic and then you anticipate another, more adrenaline, more anxiety equals more panic attacks.

they DO and WILL stop, this cannot continue indefinately as you will just become exhausted and your mind and body will just re-ajust itself naturally.
but you can help it along by trying to leave out the catatrophic thoughts, and by trying to find a positive voice within yourself that repeatedly tells you that you can survive these feelings and you can continue with your life.

i agree with the person who said DO NOT give in work, you are not physically ill (unless a docter has diagnosed you to have a physical problem) and you will not become ill or go mad, you are just exhausted through having so much tension, anxiety and adrenaline in your body.

keep going, keep relaxing and keep breathing properly and you will come out the other side. please dont start to avoid as this is where you start to become phobic if you are not careful.

all the best emma