View Full Version : Afraid to take certain medication

11-07-16, 02:32
I recently had my tooth extracted and was given antibiotics (amoxicillin) by my dentist. I know I'm not allergic to it. But I stumbled across this thing called stevens johnson syndrome from taking the amoxicillin and I'm afraid I'll have it. Is sjs an allergic reaction? Or it can happen to anyone. And are all the amoxicillin the same despite being manufactured by different companies?

11-07-16, 07:58
It must be something that can happen to anyone, although extremely rare. Doctors have been prescribing amoxicillin for years and years and they wouldn't be if it led to that.

11-07-16, 12:23
Take your medication! Amoxicillin is one of the safest and most widely prescribed antibiotics EVER!

Positive thoughts

11-07-16, 12:29
If this syndrome had any kind of statistical impact, then doctors would be far more wary of prescribing Amoxilcillin, which they aren't, so you WILL be fine.