View Full Version : Fallen Down Again

11-07-16, 03:54
Well, I'm back, I have been doing so well, no panic or anxiety in many months until recently. The reason why I'm posting in this section is because I have been worrying myself sick reading Dr Google and gone against my own advice.

I suffered a pain for a few seconds down below (male anatomy) and it went away , never thought anything about it for a few days, now I'm constantly reading what it can be or could have been, im always poking and prodding always checking thinking things look different, been doing this for a week or more, to the point where I don't even wanna get out of bed looking symptoms up from the beginning of my day to the end and then waking up with major panic/anxiety, even looking to see why my temperature is a degree below normal.

I constantly have headaches, eating very little just not a happy person to be around because of all the what ifs and do haves.

Sorry this really wasn't a question just sharing my feelings of how I went from little panic attacks, to reading Dr Google and now convinced I'm more seriously injured then when I first started looking and analyzing every little thing.

Dr Google = Not Healthy


11-07-16, 08:01
I too need to learn to stay off Dr Google. I don't understand why it's such an addiction! Well thanks to this group I have managed a day without googling symptoms. I know that may sound stupid but for me, who is at the lowest point of her life with this anxiety scared I have an imminent death ahead, it's a big deal. Here's hoping for day two.

Baby steps!

11-07-16, 17:36
A tip I always give if you feel the urge to Google something is to add the words "no more panic" at the end of the search.

It'll bring you here and you'll see that someone else has always had the same symptom and it never turned into anything sinister!