View Full Version : Hair dye reaction anxiety

11-07-16, 19:57
Hi everyone I'm new to this site
I just joined but I have severe GAD panic and acrophobia
My anxiety and panic limit my life to a very severe degree
Anyway I'm wanting to dye my hair like
I used to years ago jet black I've been aching
To do it for so long but I'm terrified of PPD
And dying from an allergic reaction that I dare not
Do it :( I've been to Sally's and spent a fortune
On the blue black colour and I'm just terrified
Of putting it on
Assurance and advice needed
Many thanks
Ally :) xxxxx

11-07-16, 20:00
Hi Ally. You need to do a patch test before applying the dye. Follow the directions on the box then that way you will know if there is going to be any skin reaction.

awesome cookie
11-07-16, 20:53
I Use the Live black and Blue
i dont Do patch test but i know thats fine on my hair.
I still get a bit panicked when it tingles So i play a game or call a friend
take my mind of hair Dye :)
Go for it it Hun you wil feel 100%better after
MSG ME Well its on your hair we can have a giggle and talk :-D

12-07-16, 00:22
Awwww Thankyou
I've done the patch test tonight and convinced myself that my skin was tingling
When I put it on but so far no redness or rash where I applied it
I miss doing my hair !
I might try the live one next time are they any good? Xxxxxxx

awesome cookie
12-07-16, 18:42
Hows it Gone Hunni ?
The live one is Very Very Good
Lasts Months x

12-07-16, 18:49
Hi did the patch test last night
Have to leave on for 48 hours so all being well
And if I get the guts proceeding with colour tomorrow night lol
I was convinced my skin was tingling a bit when I
First did the patch test xxx

12-07-16, 18:59
Hi did the patch test last night
Have to leave on for 48 hours so all being well
And if I get the guts proceeding with colour tomorrow night lol
I was convinced my skin was tingling a bit when I
First did the patch test xxx

You must do a patch test everytime you colour your hair, even if you have used the brand before and make sure you wait the full 48 hours. I used to suffer anxiety over hair dye, i didn't dye my hair for 2 years because of it. If the allergy test is ok you are fine to dye it.

12-07-16, 19:01
Did u get a slight tingling when u applied it huni
I did but there is no redness or rash xxx

12-07-16, 19:25
Did u get a slight tingling when u applied it huni
I did but there is no redness or rash xxx

Sometimes I get slight tingling but I never know if I'm imagining it because I'm always worried about it. I never get redness or rash either. :) x

12-07-16, 19:32
That's what I thought too
I miss feeling glamorous and used to really enjoy
Colouring my hair it always made me feel good
It's been on over 24 hours now and no red or rash
Just that slight tingling when I put it on at first
But probably like I say heightened awareness lol
What colour do you dye your hair? Xxxx

12-07-16, 22:39
Awwww I so feel for you. This time last year I come down with panic attacks and I was due to get married at the end of August, and I had horrific roots. I mean like really really bad and the ends of my hair were red. I managed to put on a wash in wash out dye on but it did nothing, and I looked awful on my wedding day. I wouldn't even get my eyebrows dyed or waxed either and they looked awful too. :(
I now dye my hair. Mind you I do the patch tests, I never used to before! I bleach my hair and I dye it bright colours and always have. However, the other month, the bleach must have touched my skin and I had this horrific rash on my chest, it was all lumpy and I convinced myself I couldn't breathe -I nearly rang for an ambulance. The mind plays tricks on us.
But, do a patch test and if it goes red over the 48hrs or lumpy then no hair dye for you :)

12-07-16, 23:09
Yes doing the test patch is best, I once used a hair dye without doing the test and I felt really ill. no rash or burning but just felt weird. I still use home dyes, but a different make and felt ok. Good Luck.

awesome cookie
13-07-16, 09:11
You will be Fine :-D
Get it on & you will feel a millon Dollar's :)
Dont let Anxity and fear stop you doing something you Love doing
Am doing my Hair over weekend
But am going a bit Mad am going Blonde and brown bit crazy for me but i want something different
So thats what my friend is doing Eeeek xx

13-07-16, 12:17
I had this exact fear around 3 years ago, here is my post after I'd dyed my hair http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=138999

It took me ages to get the guts but honestly hair dye reaction are very rare hence why they tend to get news stories as it isn't a common occurrence.

As you are going black could you not try one of those natural hair dyes? I believe Holland and Barrett have them. Good luck.

13-07-16, 18:28
I have dark brown hair naturally but I dye it mahogany red. :)

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:28 ----------

I always use semi permanent and any of the major brands.

14-07-16, 09:16
Hiya everyone :) so I did the patch test on Monday
So I'm due to dye it today .....but ever since i did the patch test
My skin has been itchy all over ( but weirdly not where I applied the dye on my inner elbow ) arghhhhh is this just my mind playing tricks on
Like I say no redness or rash just my skin feeling itchy all over
I know I sound nuts here lol xxxxx

15-07-16, 10:04
You dont sound nuts , did you manage to dye your hair?

15-07-16, 10:10
Hi alma
Shockingly no ! Lol
But really want to dye it today
I've been itching all over since I did the patch test
But weirdly not where I applied the dye in the skin test
That's clear and no rashes or anything
Just feeling itchy ! Don't know what to do ...sigh xxx

15-07-16, 10:14
I've been there, so I know how you feel, like I mentioned, i went a couple of years being too scared to dye my hair, even though I wasn't reacting to the allergy tests. To get my confidence back i started off slowly with wash in wash out ones and then built up from there. I'm still too scared to use permanent though. What colour are you wanting to dye it?

15-07-16, 10:37
I had this and got so anxious about a rash I got from the dye, I went to the GP!
I spoke to allergy uk and they recommended I use a safe dye that they recommended. Naturtint is the name but then I don't think they do fun colours like blue etc.
I would consult allergy uk and see what they say or if they can recommend any dyes for you. It's likely it's not the dye causing the itching but more psychological because if it was the dye, the area where you applied the dye would be irritated.

15-07-16, 13:09
The colour I've brought is a professional one
Semi permanent although it's a one you mix
So still has the chemicals in it
It's a blue black
I always had my hair this colour
I miss it so much
Funny thing is where I applied the dye they're
Is no redness or rash ? Just been mega itchy all
Over wondering if it's a physiological effect xxx

19-07-16, 12:47
Hi just an update I did my hair :) my husband stayed with me during the process
And I have have lovely shiny black hair again xxx

awesome cookie
20-07-16, 12:43
Seeeeee all that fuss and stress For Nothing :)
Silly anxity Grrrr i hate it xx
glad you did it Well done You :-*

23-07-16, 15:09
Glad you managed to dye it! I'm struggling again at the moment with anxiety about this ( thought I was cured) . Well done anyway. :)