View Full Version : Return of the panic attacks

11-07-16, 23:49
I used to suffer from horrific panic attacks and over the
Ask few months they've started to return. They are happening after I've eaten, before bed, on the way to work, pretty much any situation. My brain gets pretty confused and previously I used to be able to stop the not so nice thoughts in my head and control the anxiety. Now the panic takes over and my attacks are back and pretty severe! I'm sat awake with my fiancé fast asleep beside me and am too afraid to try and sleep as I have just tried and then had an attack. I had an attack earlier after dinner and just can't calm down. My body is exhausted but my mind very alert. I'm back at my GPs and making great progress, and I start CBT again in 2 months after the waiting list has gone. I know I'm making all the right steps I just have no idea how to make myself feel better with these attacks. I just want the horrible thoughts of thinking I'm going crazy, or that I'm going to harm myself to go away as I know they're not true and just a symptom of my anxiety!

Any suggestions of how to get my attacks back on track to shortening them/ reducing the frequency?

19-07-16, 15:25
The only thing that helped me before was proponolol. It calmed everything down, and I couldn't have a panick attack, only a dry mouth and sweaty palms. It doesn't take the anxiety away but certainly helps the physical symptoms. Your definitely doing the right thing having cbt , but also think about why your feeling anxious when you do and why your panicking. Excerise will help, reading and avoiding too much caffeine.