View Full Version : Should I Increase to 30mg

12-07-16, 00:36
So I am still feeling a lot of anxiety and depression. I am better, but still struggling. I am starting my 14th week @ 20mg.

I have some 10mg pills left and wondering if I should increase to 30mg.
I am seeing a new psychiatrist on July 22nd. Should I just wait. I have a feeling he may want me to try 30mg anyways before possibly switching me.

12-07-16, 14:32
Hi Victory we are at about the same stage and same amount. i am 14 weeks tomorrow. i have a doc appointment on the 19th.. i also was feeling anxious and generally exhausted and not well at all. i had some 10s left from a previous prescription so yesterday i split the tab and took 25mg. i am going to do that till i go to docs and then see if i need to increase to 30mg.. i must admit its only my second day but i do feel a little more at ease.. doubt it will be the increase yet but either way feeling a bit more relaxed today:)

12-07-16, 16:29
Lol!!! I did the same thing last night I took 25 before bed. I also feel a little better too!! Maybe an increase is what we need. Lets keep checking in. Hopefully we won't have any side effects and it will just be positive. I think I want to slowly go up to 30mg aways if docs wants me on 30mg. Like stay on 25mg for 4 weeks then go to 30mg if needed.

12-07-16, 17:46
yeah ditto.. so funny that we did the same thing.. keep me posted on this thread and vica versa.. good luck.

13-07-16, 12:28
Well a very interesting day so far.. Woke and felt like i had the worst hangover ever!! Got ready for work and felt so so tired and no motivation. Arrived at work had a cuppa and walked round like a zombie for about 1 hour.. then went into what i can only describe as a manic episode of craziness.. proper bouncing off the walls with giddyness.. Then came down with a massive bang. Felt like i had run a marathon and just needed to lie down and sleep.. arrived home about half an hour ago and just feel calm relaxed and ready for bed! So all in all day three at 25mg is very different to what i expected. x

13-07-16, 13:46
Ohhh no I'm on day two! Hope day three is not bad for me. However I did notice that I start to get side effects a few days after I increase then they start to subside. Hope you feel better.

My day is just getting started as its 8:45 in the morning here in the US. So far I have no motivation to get out of bed. I feel sick to my stomach again and have a headache. I also feel more jittery and my anxiety is a bit higher with my heart pounding. My mood so far seems ok, but that can change quickly.

I am curious to see what are doctors are going to say when we have our appts next week.

13-07-16, 21:04
Oh not a great start then victory. Hope it gets better. My day been odd full stop. Tonight I had a meal with work. Getting ready had no anxiety at all. Was so pleased and felt 100%me. Went to pick my friend up to go and the anxiety was through the roof. Never left all night. Could barely breath but got through the night. Felt 100% dreadful. Dropped friend off home sat down with cuppa and struggling to keep eyes open. Neck absolutely killing, arms throbbing. Omg!!! Surly can't be the 5mg that's made me feel so shocking. Roll on tomorrow.. xx

13-07-16, 21:35
Yikes!!! I think I am going to stick with the 20mg until I see my doctor next week. Just in case he decides to switch me. I was on Lexapro before and I am thinking I might want to go back on that. This is my 3rd time on Celexa, so I am thinking its not working for me this time around.

I will keep you updated!!! Keep me updated too.

Hope it works for you!!! Fingers Crossed

14-07-16, 14:09
How are you feeling today Polly?

14-07-16, 14:26
Hi Victory.. up and down! this morning quite good. Finished work and came home. a little bit anxious but not too bad. More than anything today i feel tired but no where near as bad as yesterday.. hopefully its settling down. How are you feeling??

15-07-16, 11:20
Well i went back down to the 20mg I got scared. So not sure if I am feeling worse from increasing for a few days. I just can't wait to see this new psychiatrist next week. From being on Celexa before I should be feeling loads better at this point, so I don't think its working. I am hoping to try lexapro again, but we will see what he says.

Hows your day going. Is this your first time on Celexa?

15-07-16, 18:48
Hi yes its my first time! i tried prozac last year for 10 weeks and it made me so ill i didnt work for 8 weeks.. tried sertraline got nowhere fast.. so now citolapram..
So today, well.. woke up at 4.40 felt pretty good. coulldnt get back to sleep so went down mada a cuppa and a slice of toast, back to bed and rested till 6.45 when i got up. felt pretty good. Went to work pretty good. Arranged a date and when i arrived i was shaking so bad and anxious but and im not sure how i just said to myself so what.. Met the guy in a pub ive not been too.. stayed and chatted for 1 hour and did not have an ounce of anxiety at all.. left pub set off home to meet daughter anxiety high.. Came home and now just want to sleep. Shaking inside but cant see it on outside.. Feel quite good though.. and thats the first proper time in 2 years that for 1 hour i had no anxiety.. i was that involved with talking to this guy and never even gave the anxiety a thought.. i need to practice cbt cos when i not thinking about anxiety i feel fine.. so all in all not too bad i guess. hows you?

16-07-16, 17:01
today day 4 of the 25mg all in all pretty good day.. i am noticing that i am grinding my jaw again but i guess that will settle down. How are you??

17-07-16, 14:03
Not good at all today. Really exhausted, anxious,very sore tongue,neck ache and head ache, face twitching, no motivation,very low,no appetite and deep depression. So it's fair to say this is the worst I have felt yet!

17-07-16, 14:23
Ugggg I am so sorry to hear that Polly. You are only on the 5th day right. Still early days. You also see your doc this week too, so hopefully you will get some help and relief. Maybe try Lexapro. That's what I am hoping my doc wants to put me on next if he dose not want me to increase first. I was on lexapro (6 months in 2014) before and I was looking back at my calendar and pictures and I seemed to be doing a lot more stuff on lexapro. So I must have been feeling a lot better. I went on three vacations and was doing my hair and makeup etc.... I am so not at that point right now. I could not go on vacation this year and I don't know when the last was that I did my hair. So I think once we find the right meds we we feel really good.

Hope as the day goes on you feel better. :hugs:

17-07-16, 15:55
Well so far day just getting worse. The anxiety is a nightmare. That need to take a deep breath.. and I'm not sure why my tongue is so sore. Grrrr. However you're right docs on Tues so will ask all the questions. Chin up. X

17-07-16, 19:07
Your tongue is sore from clenching/grinding your jaw from the anxiety. Sometimes I have teeth marks around my whole tongue from clenching it. Not fun!!!

18-07-16, 13:55
Another bad day. Internal vibrating. Dizzy and generally no energy st all. Hope this wears off soon. My doc app is Wednesday so will see what she say. How are you? X

18-07-16, 14:05
I pretty much feel the same as you. I also still have major depression and crying spells going on. So very curious on what our doctors will do. Well hoping whatever next steps we take with meds with be a turning point for us. I am so sick of this. I feel like giving up on everything at this point. :hugs:

18-07-16, 14:37
Were you on 10mg to start with Victory?

18-07-16, 15:05
Yes I was on 10mg for 2 weeks and now I have been on 20mg just starting my 15th week. However this is my third time on Cit. I have a feeling its not working like it use to for me. I feel better then when I started, but I know how this med felt when I was on it the first time and I was anxiety and depression free. I have a doc appt on fri, so I have a feeling I am going to be switched to something else.

Please don't get discouraged from me though as i am hoping you start feeling better in the next few weeks from your increase. I know you are still in your early days.... I know you are sick and tired of feeling like this as I am too. Hoping for some good news for all of us soon :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

18-07-16, 17:20
Oh I hope your doc app goes ok. I long do reckon it will take for new dose to kick in.. x

18-07-16, 21:01
Are you still feeling a lot of anxiety and depression too?

19-07-16, 06:57
I know the feeling. Just to wake up "normal" .. keep strong we will beat this. X

19-07-16, 10:56
Good luck today at the doctors!! Let me know what happens!!

19-07-16, 15:43
I never had depression just severe feeling of needing to take a deep breath. Doc said it was anxiety. Didn't have what if thoughts doom or gloom anything like that, everything is physical.. I must admit the need to take a deep breath is nowhere near as bad but I have symptoms now that I never had. Low mood, no motivation, exhaustion, strange thought occasionally. Docs tomoz thought was today. Don't feel too bad today. How are you? X

21-07-16, 16:26
Well feel dreadful so scared to increase. Going away sat so thought will wait to return. She also put me on cerezete mini pill. She said that could help with the pmt prior to a period. Took tab today. So will see but. Omg how awful do I feel at times! How are you?? X

21-07-16, 18:01
I hear ya!!! I would not start the pill until you stabilize on the Cit. Because if you start something new you might not know what is causing you issues if you still feel bad. I tried several pills and patches and my anxiety and depression got worse, so I can't take them. However we are all different and you may do just fine.

I feel horrible! I believe I am having an adverse reaction this time. I can't stop crying and my anxiety is so bad. I was not like this the previous two times I was on Cit. We will see what my new psychiatrist says tomorrow. I think I want to switch to something else. Like maybe Zoloft or Paxil. I get severe PMT too it sucks being a girl with all these hormones lol.

I will let you know what happens

Hope you feel better soon!

21-07-16, 19:12
I'm hearing you about the pill. I actually think I might have coil fitted!! I'm def going to hold off on pill.. hope it goes well for you. I'm having moments where I feel pretty good then moments where I feel dreadful. Anyways let's hope you get a good outcome tomoz. Xx

22-07-16, 22:53
So they totally screwed up my appt today. They did not even have me listed, but they had all of my paperwork and pre-payment. Thankfully they got me scheduled for Monday. I think I am definitely asking for a med change as the cit is not working like it supposed to. I was anxiety and depression free the last two time I was on it. I felt normal and relaxed.

How are you doing today?

23-07-16, 07:18
Another dreadful day. I'm thinking off coming off too.. not even sure I want anything else. Hope you have a better day. X

23-07-16, 12:36
Are you on 25mg or did you finally go up to 30mg?

Make sure you taper off slowly. I did a 6+ months taper off of Cit last time and had no withdraw. I basically cut it down by 5mg every six weeks.

Hope you day starts getting better :bighug1: