View Full Version : Taking a break

19-03-07, 00:23
I've decided to take a break from the site and the pc..
At this time I think it is the right thing for me to do. I think at times we all become dependant on the site n the net instead of doing things and altho I havent been on much lately, I've decided to take a break again..
I have my second CBT session tomora(Mon) and I am gonna give it my best shot..
I will pop on now and then n keep you posted as to how it and I am doing..
Just wanted you all to know I won't be about for a while and I am so grateful for all of the support I have been given and will still need..
For those of you who know me, ye know how to contact me.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs to all)))))))))))))))))))))))))
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

thank you and no need to reply..just letting uz know. x

19-03-07, 00:53
Hey Lin :flowers:
Take all the time you need hun but you better not leave for good or I will kick you in the rear:buttkick: JK!!!!!

Hope the session tomorrow goes well!!!

19-03-07, 08:27
Good luck Lin, we'll miss you.

19-03-07, 09:33
Lin, you must do whats best so go with your gut but please don't leave as others have said. We'll still be here for you when you need us.

Take care and come back whenever you need/want to.

love Sax xxx

19-03-07, 10:01

Piglet :flowers:

19-03-07, 10:44
:hugs: Keep in touch mate :hugs:


Trac xx

19-03-07, 10:47
Ohhhh while your away I'm gonna beat yer high score at....oh that's right you havent got any high scores :lac: Lala I'll keep in touch through pigeon post :D :hugs: and good luck with the cbt and stay outta the pub wummin it's my job to ring you from a public house not you ringing me :shades:

:flowers: :hugs: :D :flowers: :hugs: :D :flowers: :hugs: :D :flowers: :hugs:

19-03-07, 11:05
It's good to take a break from the computer and get out there. It will help your recovery in my opinion. All the best.

19-03-07, 11:06
Good luck with the CBT Lin :hugs:

You will be missed, but I agree you have to do what's right for you at this moment in time :hugs:

Come back and let us know how you're doing, and take care of yourself :hugs:

We're not far away if you ever need a chat :winks: