View Full Version : How do you stop one thing ruining your day?

12-07-16, 13:13

I often find that I can be having quite a good day and then one tiny thing will happen and it will just completely throw me and I wont be able to stop myself spiralling down into severe anxiety for the rest of the day. Does anyone else find this? And does anyone have tips for stopping one thing at the source and preventing it causing problems and ruining what was a fine day?

12-07-16, 16:11
I used to get this a lot, and for me the one thing that stopped this dead was meditating.

At it's simplest, meditating teaches the brain that whatever you're experiencing right now is temporary and will pass.

It took several weeks for my brain to click, but in the last 4-5 years I've never had that 'oh shit' moment again.

I still get anxiety (and sometimes feel depressed) but once it's passed, it's gone. The rest of the day is untainted.

12-07-16, 17:03
When I get really bead anxiety I usually play a game that involves a lot of effort so I almost forget about the anxiety completely. It's called Epicmafia, you have to work out who's bad and good through a chat page which is quite difficult. It helped me quite a bit.

Just realised that kinda sounds like im advertising it but I am in no way involved with it, I just play it a lot