View Full Version : My ms fear story

12-07-16, 16:40
Hi all

I wanted to post about my story as it may help others.

Last year I thought I had ms. I has symptoms of pins and needles., dizziness, vertigo, bladder problems. I went to gp , she never examined me but did vitamin tests then off to a neurologist. PANICK!

I was obsessed with ms, I do not know how the people around me coped. All I did was obsessively look up ms. I went to a n e twice, got told could be all sorts of horrid things ms, transverse myelitis or ANXIETY. I overlooked that one.

I ended up seeing the neuro, who referred me for mri and guess what no ms!!!!!!I was put through 5 months of hell. I got better from these symptoms.

Anxiety can cause real symptoms, it really can mimic ms symptoms. Of course there is always a chance you do have it, but please don't assume. From my research and talk with the experts ms usually produces one or more symptoms at a time, not a whole host liked I suffered! People with ms often don't know they have it, they have a symptom it clears up, then the next etc.

Anyway hope this helps anyone worrying about ms! Take care all.

13-07-16, 06:24
this is fantastic, and an all-too-familiar story on here it seems. actually you could replace "MS" with "ALS" and there are dozens of these stories on here too. i'm experiencing some of this right now and am doing my best not to trawl the forum reading all of them over and over again.