View Full Version : Increased dose - how long to work?

12-07-16, 17:54
Hi again guys,

Been holding off posting this question as I'm only 11 days in on my increase from 10mg to 20mg citalopram (was on 10mg for exactly 3 months)

I would like to know roughly how long before any effects become noticible? On day 8 and 9 I felt fantastic, almost "back to normal" but yesterday and today I've had the horrible feeling again and a bit antsy and hyper.

I know that these drugs do not work overnight but is this whole up and down malarkey part of the normal process as from what I've read you should start gradually having more good days than bad, but at the moment I'm skewed towards the opposite.

Thanks in anticipation of some positive replies lol xxx

12-07-16, 19:24
Ohhh Mojo I can't wait to hear when you are feeling better. Every time I come on here I hope to hear good news. Hey but it is good news that you had two great days already. It can still take a couple of weeks before it kicks in. A lot of people say you are starting the clock over when you increase your dose.

Personally I think going to from 10 to 20 was the hardest, but I did it after two weeks. It might kick in a lot quicker since you have been on the cit now for 3 months.

Do you at least feel a little better then you did on the 10mg?

I upped mine yesterday to 25mg, so I am waiting to see what happens. I also have an appointment with a new psychiatrist on July 22nd and I am scared that he is going to want to change my meds.

12-07-16, 20:37
I noticed a change at about 6 weeks 7 weeks but im now like victory at 14 week and not feeling it at all. Yesterday i also increased to 25mg and felt a bit better today but this last hour,, ridiculously anxious.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr no reason at all:( x
on a positive everyone is different and so you may repair quicker :

12-07-16, 20:55
I won't say anything because I've said when I've felt better before and then I jinx it so I keep quiet now :lac:

15-07-16, 11:36
How are you feeling Mojo? Hope things are improving for you.