View Full Version : I am another newbie

19-03-07, 02:40
This is the first time I have ever posted anything on the web. I am a bit nervous. Anyways, I have been experiencing anxiety for as long as I can
remember. I was put on PAXIL CR 4 yrs ago after panick attacks starting keeping me from work. A year ago I found out I was pregnant and was worried about hurting the baby, co I weened myself off rather abruptly. After a couple weeks of shakes and headzaps I appeared to be OK. Oct. 25th I gave birth to a beautilful baby girl. When i left the hospital I noticed
there was prescription for paxil stapled to my discharge papers. I planned to breast-feed, so I didn't fill my script. Fast forward 3 1/2 mos to february.
Once again started experiencing severe panic attacks, Health anxiety, and now agoraphobia. I found this site to try to calm my worrying mind until I can somehow heal and reenter society.

19-03-07, 13:54
Hi there ,

A BIG welcome to the site.

take care

shirley xx

19-03-07, 14:05
hello hun... how you finding having a baby??? im agoraphobic and one thing i worry about is the fact that i might not be able to have kids because i dont know how i'd cope, the fact that i cant leave the house would make everything pretty difficult... whats your experiance??? does it make it easier because you have someone else to care for or make it worse because of the stress... i think you did the right thing staying off ya meds... wish you loadsa love

Pink Princess
19-03-07, 14:45
hey hope you are well, glad you joined the site and hope you get the right support x x x x x x speak soon x x x x

19-03-07, 14:48

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

19-03-07, 15:34
Having the baby was a godsend at first. I was completely different while I was pregnant. I had almost no anxiety. It might be because the doctors are always telling you how healthy you and the baby are. Now I start to think that it may have been a mistake. I love my baby with all my heart, but I constantly feel like I may die at any minute. I cry all day, begging God not to take me away from her and I am scared until my husband gets home in the evening. Now I feel like a nuisance to my doctor. She doesn't run any tests, she just writes me out another prescription for meds I'm afraid to take.
I have Welbrutrin, Paxil, Paxil Cr, Zoloft, and Xanax.

19-03-07, 15:45
Hi Jitter,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

19-03-07, 15:48
oh hun, you sound really down. i think the responsability of having a baby makes everyone think in new ways. i imagine what you're feeling about dieing and leaving your baby is pretty natural. all of a sudden you have a beautiful little baby that you're resonsable for, but from what you're saying all these thouhts seem to come from the enormous ammount of love you have for her... i wouldnt worry. how about speaking to a different doctor about how you're feeling at the moment? maybe you have a bit of post natal depression??? worth looking into.. lotsa love

19-03-07, 16:23
hi jit and welcome
congrats on ya baby, im hormones play a role with our anxiety also ....i suffer with the same as you and im sure you will find lots of supprt and info here hang in there i wish ya the best.........linda

19-03-07, 18:46
Hi Jitter

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

20-03-07, 11:40
Hi and Welcome :)
