View Full Version : ANXIETY again!!!

12-07-16, 20:00
Well here I am back on an anxiety forum as I have done on and off for many many years. Trust me group I totally understand your pain

I can usually control most of my anxiety symptoms and issues with anxiety but every few years I kind of get a "flare" that causes me great distress.

Racing mind worrying and obsessing about irrational health issues, my heart, blindness, breathing, etc.....all the typical torments that come with this funk.

This has all come on after a recent back injury. I am unable to exercise as much and feel very stuck without my usual endorphin release from exercise. I'm taking 400mg of ibuprofen 3x daily for the back pain(per MD orders). It's all getting better slowly but in the meantime my mental health(anxiety) has got it's grips on me.

My beer consumption has risen to 3-4 beers nightly as my way to self medicate. I have taken SSRI meds years ago and wonder if I should go back on them to settle down my hair trigger anxiety and racing thoughts. -or- do I just try to ride it out(buck up) until this "flare" passes. By chance has anyone had increased anxiety from too much ibuprofen? I do have a bit of a safety net of a small prescription of 1mg tabs of lorazepam. When I'm in the throws
of high anxiety(usually at 3am) I take half of a half tablet and in 20 min some relief.

During the day I have this constant slight feeling of impending doom but can find some relief if I keep my mind and body extremely busy. This funk can really wear me down after a few weeks.

Thanks for reading my troubles.....(just getting it out of my head sometimes helps)

12-07-16, 20:14
Hiya Arbor80302 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-07-16, 01:13
Hey there, sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment.
I can identify with a lot of that. I'm not very good without an endorphin boost either. Keep looking for positive things to help and maybe try some new things?

Hope your back isn't too sore!
Take care x