View Full Version : How soon does dementia set in

12-07-16, 20:51
So this is about my mom she's 60 and suffered a heart attack 2 weeks ago, she's waiting to have a bypass, since it happened her memory is terrible I mean she literally can't remember phone numbers or postcodes it's really upsetting me, she couldn't remember my date of birth. Can this come on in 2 weeks ? Surely dementia takes longer to come on right ? I'm worried sick I can't take any more :-( x

12-07-16, 21:24
I read a study that heart attacks can cause memory loss in about half of all instances. It's not dementia, it's the trauma of the incident itself and short term blood loss to the brain but I think with proper diet and so on it's not permanent.

Speak to your mum's cardiologist for a better understanding - they'll be able to answer a lot better than we can.

Hope your mum gets to feeling better soon!

PS - are you sure she could remember all of that before? I can barely remember my own phone number or post code!

12-07-16, 22:08
I agree with Lifelong...

I've had two heart attacks and cancer. I'm 57. It affected my short term memory to a degree as well as the chemo (chemo brain) but it's not dementia in the least. Things do improve.

Positive thoughts

13-07-16, 07:16
Thanks both my step dad is going to speak to the Drs today, it feels like it's one thing then another, my heads going to explode this time I can't blame it on my anxiety :-( x