View Full Version : Where should I be?

12-07-16, 22:09
Where should I be anxiety wise? I have been taking zoloft 275mg for five months and propanalol prn.. What sort of position should my anxiety be in by now? (bare in mind I was on ativan for two months and it messed me up for a while8

13-07-16, 13:51
It's a completely different journey for everybody.

It's really up to you to decide where you are on that road.

Purple Llama
13-07-16, 15:11
It all depends on how YOU feel you are doing on the meds. Do you feel that it has helped you in any way?. I think long standing anxiety is very difficult to get rid of completely, but if in the last five months you have felt any improvement at all - then its probably well worth sticking with it for longer.
Please try not to think in terms of where you 'should' be, as this will only put further undue pressure on you.