View Full Version : Obsessed with Lymphoma

12-07-16, 22:18
Hi everyone. 4 years ago this month I noticed a small hard lump in my neck, I was instantly very anxious and started poking and prodding for hours and found a few more. I then found some moveable lumps in my armpits. I was incredibly anxious about these but was too afraid to see a GP incase I was told I had lymphoma. I eventually stopped worrying for a few years, then late last year I saw a tv show where someone was diagnosed with it and my anxiety about the lumps started again. Recently I've been getting chills and itchiness and now I can't stop thinking I have Lymphoma. I'm too afraid to go to the doctor but I'm never going to stop obsessing over this unless I know for certain that I either have it or don't have it. The worst part is, Lymphoma and Anxiety have a lot of the same symptoms, so even if I do go to a doctor, I'm afraid they won't take me seriously due to my age (I'm 19 by the way) Anyone else gone through this? Any advice?

14-07-16, 21:02

I had the exact same thing. I've got two swollen nodes and they have been there for over 2 years... I had blood tests done over two years ago which were fine. My cold chills have stopped which is a good thing. I'm not sure what to say other than if it's been 4 years you would probably know for sure now if you had it. Also, I was told by the doctor is its cancer them the lumps keep growing... Mine have stayed the same size. Hope you're feeling better.

14-07-16, 21:05
I had the same it's just your lymph nodes honestly! I was tested for it just for my own piece of mind and it came back all clear! Go to the doctors and telling about your HA! My mum came with me and they took her more seriously think that's why they offered me the test! X

14-07-16, 22:57
Thanks guys, definitely feeling a bit better :)