View Full Version : Odd feeling top of neck with a lot of headaches

13-07-16, 05:29
I'm getting nervous for the past 2 months I've had headaches pretty much every other day, I also have ear problems like clicking on my ears and went to the doctor for it the doctor sent me home with nasal decongest which I've been taking and put it down to sinuses but it's been 2 months and it's getting worse.

2 days ago i got this strange feeling in my upper neck it feels as if it has something to do with an artery but I feel no pain just tightness, it's pretty hard to explain. I also get throbbing sensation pretty frequently, anyone else have something similar? I feel like my doctor never wants to give me an Mri because she knows my anxiety history and I'm only 18 but it's really starting to worry me.

16-07-16, 12:16
I feel exactly what you feel. I have tension like headaches everyday for the past few days, neck stiffness some mornings, throbbing pain in right side of my head above my ear sometimes. Its making me go crazy. I know this is anxiety but its scaring me so much, and the anxiety is making me think its something else. I'm also pretty young, I'm 21. I want this to go away.

16-07-16, 13:40
Throbbing in the neck could be a nerve spasm. I had this for a couple of weeks but it was painful.

Tightness could be muscular tension which is very common in anxiety. It can cause headaches too. There are exercises you can try that will help with this and one of them is an old technique from the 1920's called Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) which therapists still use today. There are worksheets online for this if you Google it.

19-07-16, 15:41
I needed to read this today -- I have been experiencing the EXACT same thing. It almost feels like someone is pressing on the top of my neck. I know its stress related but sometimes I just can't kick the anxiety about it. I get throbbing pain in my temples (usually only one side--the same side the neck spasm or whatever is on). I'm going to check out Progressive Muscle relaxation and see if it helps.

Appa Yip Yip
20-07-16, 01:04
Ok, weird question, but do you happen to hold a heavy purse on one of your shoulders a lot? I've had a lot of these exact symptoms, even the headache and one-sided neck pain, from carrying around a purse a lot (and honestly it's not even THAT heavy). When I switch sides it tends to go away. Just a thought.