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13-07-16, 05:56
Grrrr woke up again this morning feeling anxious intrusive thoughts clenching jaw feeling hot sweaty and sick I just wanna wake up feeling normal again when will this happen I'm on week 9 and think I'm defo having a blip the doctor does not want to increase my dose because of the thoughts I'm having but what else can I do I carry on with my day as normal as I can I just keep asking myself why me if I could pass this on to someone else I would without a second thought I'm better than I was but just feel like I'm going back 10 steps :mad:

13-07-16, 06:59
It's so annoying. I feel the same. 14 weeks at 20mg and 3 days at 25mg. Woke up feeling dreadful.. I'm also better than I was but so disappointed. Chin up keep smiling and let's hope we will soon be back to normal. Xx

13-07-16, 07:37
Mornings are always crap aren't they? I've woken up anxious, thumping heart, racing thoughts, sweating, every single day for 8 months. It truly is torture.

13-07-16, 08:17
It is torture it's feels like we have done something wrong in a previous life and we are being punished but we shall beat this we have had good days so there is hope yet wishing you both well today I'm at work so keeps me busy xx

13-07-16, 08:21
I agree it's torture Becky! I don't think anyone deserves this illness. I'd say if you are managing to work then you're doing a lot better than many of us. It's apparently normal to have blips along the way so you may feel completely differently tomorrow!

13-07-16, 08:29
Yea I've not took any time off work because I didn't want to fall further into the trap so I've kept going and it has been good for me mine at the moment is the thoughts about killing myself I don't want to but there there and there horrible xx