View Full Version : What to tell Doc re: bad anx

13-07-16, 07:27
I'm on 40 mg of citalopram but now we are getting new neighbours my anxiety is running riot. My stomach is turning and making me feel sick. I have that icy feeling through me and it seems like I have no time to do anything which isn't true. I'm feeling panicked.

I'm not sure how to put it across to him how its now effecting me.

Any help??

13-07-16, 08:07
Just tell him exactly what you've told us Pete. Explain how badly it is affecting you and how your anxiety has escalated to the point where you need more help.

Hopefully it is a transient thing, I hate change too (it's definitely an anxiety thing) but once your new neighbours are settled in you will probably feel much better. It is all the upheaval causing a spike in the anxiety I would think.

Have you met the new neighbour's before?

13-07-16, 08:10
Hi there , I go over things a thousand times what I'm going to say to the doc when you get there it will just come out , if it helps write down the key points you don't want to come away thinking I forgot to ask this or that , I've actualy been in Tears at the docs just because it feels like a release to tell somone how bad you are feeling , new neibours aren't always as bad as you think it's just the change we don't like , take care .

14-07-16, 09:18
Ok folks

I'm going to have to wait until Tuesday the 20-something to see my Doc. Hope I can cope until then. Something really needs to change as anxiety has me on the run but I'm always afraid of messing around with meds.


14-07-16, 09:40
Print out what you wrote above and show it to the doctor - I tend to write things like this down, as I can get the words right and won't forget what I want to say!

15-07-16, 10:51
I've got, like, eleven days before I see the doctor. Problem is I need SOMETHING now to calm me down. I take valerian but I'm not sure if thats working or not. Any suggestions for a stop gap?

21-07-16, 07:52
I'm also getting very angry when the anxiety inducing situations arrise.

21-07-16, 13:52
I would guess the anger is normal and possibly quite common. I suffer with depression, feel stressed, self conscious and at times anxious and I'm a very angry person at times too (at least multiple times a day). Your doctor will probably tell you they all come hand in hand as that's what I've been told.

25-07-16, 08:10
Thank god it's tomorrow. My head has been spinning and my stomach tight to the point I don't want to eat. I'm praying he gives me something that helps me as I'm at wits end right now :(

26-07-16, 11:45
After a moments awkward silence, I spat out that I was having anxiety really bad.

The short story is that he (upon confirming any interaction with Citalopram) is going to start me off on low dosage of a drug which is used to treat epilepsy. Sadly between my appointment and now I have been through town twice for various things so the name escapes me.

EDIT: I'm sure it was either Pregabalin or Gabapentin

26-07-16, 11:54
Hopefully things will start to improve for you now.