View Full Version : New Member Panic attacks are back

13-07-16, 11:39
Hi Guys,

I just joined this site today so thought id start here.

I first got diagnosed with Anxiety/ Panic attacks 11 years ago and the first two years were horrific for me.

I couldnt leave the house at one stage due to the attacks and life began to spiral out of control for me then, after about 6 months I lost my job as I was off sick a lot and got my self into some serious debt which I am still paying off today. I lost freinds and relationships because of it and I soon found myself alone and not knowing where to turn.

Over the years I have been on a number of different medications for the anxiety and each one had its own side affects that didnt agree with me one made me pshycotic and how I am still here today typing this I dont know.

In the main through the medication and self help techniques I managed to stay panic attack free for 8 years so I thought I'd seen the back of this demon but the last few weeks they have come back with avengance.

I can only put this down to yet another medication change 3 months ago as other than the usual stress of life nothing major has happened to bring them on again.

Ive been back to my GP and he says to try and stick it out with the new medication has increased the dosage yet again and has advised me to seek counselling so I am on a waiting list of about 6 - 8 months.

I found talking to my brother in law about it years ago really helped me as he went through it all himself after the death of his father but has come out of it the other end so I thought id try here to talk to others who are going through this hell to see if I can try and find something to help or indeed offer help to you.

Thank you for reading.

13-07-16, 11:49
Hiya BigBrez1985 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-07-16, 13:39
Good morning BigBrez1985. I really understand where you are coming from, because I have suffered off and on with anxiety/panic for 17 years. While at the moment my panic is under control, I do still have bouts with anxiety and agoraphobia.

My best non-professional advice would be continue seeking help. While waiting for therapy use this site as a vent for what your feeling. I find that telling others in a similar situation what's going on really helps. Best to you on this journey and continue asking questions and seeking help.

13-07-16, 13:44
Hi Fduop,

Thank you for your kind words.

Have you got any tips for self help?

I just really dont understand why out of the blue they have come back worse than they was when I first had them.

14-07-16, 14:14
I'll be honest BigBriz, you may never find out. My first panic attack occurred while taking an otherwise simple test during a training course at work. When they hit me hard the last time, I was just starting grad school. So I'm pretty sure stress was a trigger for me.

As far as self help, I've tried a number of things from listening to binaural beats to plain trying to ignoring it. But in my search for relief, other than my current medications (fluoxetine & buspirone); I find that meditation really clears on head.

While I don't claim to be Buddhist, I found the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh very helpful in understanding mediation. Also two more clinical books have I that really helped are Calming Your Anxious Mind and Mindfulness, I found both of these very informative on the value and practice of mediation. Thich's videos can be found on You Tube, while his books and the others are available on Amazon.

I hope this helps, I know they help me. But remember we each have to take our own journey. Best to you BritBrez1985.

14-07-16, 15:12
Thank you, your right I suppose we all have to take our own journey through this.

I have been panic attack free for 8-9 years and suddenly they are back again with avengance.
Maybe I am being too hard on myself and they will pass again and put it down to a bad experience that will pass very soon.

Good luck on your journey and thank you for the info.


Vanilla Sky
15-07-16, 12:26
Hi and welcome to NMP :)